Horseman, Pass By Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Horseman, Pass By Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who had Granddad forced off the ranch numerous times?
(a) Granny's brothers.
(b) The neighbor to the east.
(c) The preacher.
(d) The neighbor to the northwest.

2. Who is not at breakfast?
(a) Lonnie.
(b) Jesse.
(c) Granny.
(d) Hud.

3. Who acts in charge?
(a) Lonnie.
(b) The sheriff.
(c) Hud.
(d) Granny.

4. What does Hud say is for the best?
(a) That Lonnie go on home.
(b) That Granny not know how Granddad dies.
(c) That Granddad dies of his injuries.
(d) That Hud shot Granddad.

5. Who does Lonnie swerve to let pass him?
(a) Granddad.
(b) The sheriff.
(c) His friends from school.
(d) Hud.

6. What is brought to the house by the neighbors?
(a) Food.
(b) Nothing since Granddad was not liked.
(c) Flowers.
(d) Men to help with the ranch.

7. Who has moved to Detroit?
(a) Lonzo.
(b) Halmea.
(c) Newt.
(d) Jesse.

8. Who does Lonnie find drunk?
(a) Jonesy.
(b) Jesse.
(c) Granddad.
(d) Hermy.

9. What does Granddad do for all the hired hands?
(a) Equips them for the round up.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Gives them bonuses.
(d) Cooks breakfast.

10. What does Granddad tell Lonnie?
(a) That Hud is half owner of the ranch.
(b) That Granddad is the only owner of the ranch.
(c) That Granny inherits the ranch.
(d) That he is calling the sheriff and having Hud thrown off the ranch.

11. What does Lonnie think would have been better for Granddad?
(a) To have died with his first wife.
(b) To have tried to defy the government.
(c) To have gotten out of ranching.
(d) To have gotten rid of Hud and his second wife.

12. What does Hud admit?
(a) That he shot Granddad.
(b) That he loved Granddad like a father.
(c) That he is actually Granddad's son from an affair Granddad had.
(d) That he hates Granddad.

13. Who hauls the longhorns away?
(a) Hud.
(b) Granddad.
(c) Lonnie and Jesse.
(d) The government men.

14. What does Lonnie see coming up behind him?
(a) Nothing.
(b) A police car with its lights on.
(c) A man galloping on a horse.
(d) A car driving very fast.

15. What wakes Lonnie in the night?
(a) Granddad yelling.
(b) Granny having a heart attack.
(c) A cattle stampeding.
(d) Hud's shouts.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Halmea say Lonnie must do?

2. What does Lonnie hear as he is trying to flag down someone?

3. What is Lonnie's task?

4. Who does Lonnie try to avoid?

5. Of what is Lonnie unsure?

(see the answer keys)

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