Horseman, Pass By Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Horseman, Pass By Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Lonzo do all night?
(a) Work on the book he is writing.
(b) Guard the cow from buzzards.
(c) Keep Hud from doing something stupid.
(d) Sleep in the hayloft with a woman.

2. Why does Lonnie keep working after he is hurt?
(a) He doesn't realize how badly he is injured.
(b) There is a girl there he is trying to impress.
(c) He fears ridicule.
(d) There is so much to do.

3. Where does Lonnie end up the morning after hearing Hud and Granddad's conversation?
(a) In the city.
(b) Drunk in the hayloft.
(c) In the Northern pasture.
(d) At Halmea's window.

4. What does Hud predict about the cattle?
(a) They will be saved by the new antibiotics.
(b) They don't have the disease.
(c) They will all have to die.
(d) They can be sold to Mexicans if Granddad will let him.

5. What does Mr. Burris say needs to be done?
(a) Take the cattle back to Mexico.
(b) Vaccinate all cattle that do not yet show signs of the disease.
(c) Take the cattle to a meat-packing plant before they are sick.
(d) Kill Granddad's cattle.

6. How old is Lonnie at the opening of Chapter 1?
(a) 15.
(b) 33.
(c) 17.
(d) 22.

7. Who is Halmea?
(a) An old Black man who used to be the gardener.
(b) Hud's current girlfriend.
(c) The maid on the neighbor's farm.
(d) The Black cook.

8. What does Lonnie think young people want to do in the present?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Stay on the family farms and feel connected.
(c) Experience all the excitement they can find in life.
(d) Eat, sleep and do drugs.

9. What is Larry's grandmother's most outstanding characteristic?
(a) Generosity.
(b) Crabbiness with complaints.
(c) Kindness.
(d) Spitefullness.

10. How is Hud as a cowboy?
(a) He is good at what he does.
(b) He is a bit of a fumbler.
(c) He's a great roper but not very good with horses.
(d) He is not a cowboy.

11. What does a visiting cousin insist?
(a) That Thalia is no worse than Oklahoma City.
(b) That Cement, Oklahoma is even better than Thalia.
(c) That he and his cousin have to get home.
(d) That Oklahoma City is better than Thalia.

12. What does Halmea think Jesse needs?
(a) To work as a mechanic at the new service station.
(b) To move to California, the land of opportunity.
(c) A wife and children.
(d) A job on a more modern ranch.

13. What happens to the milk cows Granddad bought?
(a) He boards them at Hank's ranch.
(b) He sends them back to the seller.
(c) Fortunately, he has not paid for them, so he cancels the order.
(d) He sells them to Hank.

14. Who is Jesse?
(a) The new hired hand.
(b) Larry's half brother.
(c) Hud's school buddy.
(d) Halmea's grandson.

15. Of what is Granddad suspicious?
(a) Of Hud giving Larry girlie magazines.
(b) About what Hud will do when his mother dies.
(c) What has happened to the heifer.
(d) What Hud was doing in town.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mr. Burris suggest as an alternative means for money?

2. What does Hud do to anyone who seems weak?

3. What does Jesse do as the others return to the house?

4. What does Mr. Burris bring with him to the ranch?

5. What else has technology done?

(see the answer keys)

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