Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 197 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is appointed the new Gryffindor Quidditch seeker before Christmas break?
(a) Cho Chang.
(b) Ginny Weasley.
(c) Fred Weasley.
(d) Draco Malfoy.

2. What makes Aunt Petunia decide Harry must be allowed to stay?
(a) An owl from Dumbledore reminding her why Harry's mother died.
(b) A formal request from the Ministry of Magic.
(c) A Howler which says "Remember my last, Petunia".
(d) A visit from Hagrid.

3. Why is it difficult for Harry to summon his Patronus Charm?
(a) Because he is so sad.
(b) Because he doesn't want to save his cousin.
(c) Because he doesn't study enough.
(d) Because his wand is broken.

4. What explanation does Hagrid give for his extended absence?
(a) He was on vacation with his new love, Madame Maxime.
(b) He was gone because he was poisoned by a large spider over the summer and needed time to recover.
(c) He was in the mountains speaking to the giants for Dumbledore.
(d) He was visiting the mountains to make sure Norbert was well cared for.

5. What does Cho Chang tell Harry at the end of Chapter 18 that makes him secretly happy?
(a) That she has always liked him, which secretly delights him.
(b) That she doesn't blame him for Cedric's death.
(c) That she has a crush on George.
(d) That he makes her nervous.

6. Why does Harry fight with Professor Umbridge during the Defense Against the Dark Arts class?
(a) Because Harry believes Voldemort has returned.
(b) That Umbridge voted against Harry during his hearing.
(c) Because Umbridge doesn't think house elfs should have citizen rights.
(d) Harry doesn't like the textbook she has chosen for the class.

7. What space does Harry discover that is perfect for D.A. meetings?
(a) The Divination classroom.
(b) A small cabin in the Forbidden Forest.
(c) Dumbledore's office.
(d) The Room of Requirement.

8. At the end of Chapter Six, what dampens Harry's mood?
(a) Hearing that Quidditch was cancelled for the coming school year.
(b) Memories of how his parents were killed.
(c) The realization that he has a hearing at the Ministry of Magic the next day.
(d) A message from Hagrid about the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

9. What do Sirius and Mrs. Weasley argue about in Chapter Five?
(a) Whether Sirius should be allowed to leave the Order's Headquarters.
(b) Whether Harry should be given more information about Voldemort.
(c) Whether Harry is old enough to stay up with the adults.
(d) Whether Harry should attend Hogwarts the coming year.

10. Why do Harry and friends advise Sirius against coming to visit them disguised as a black dog?
(a) Because Harry is embarrassed that Malfoy is a prefect and he is not.
(b) Because Professor Umbridge has spectacles that can see through disguises.
(c) Harry wants his godfather to stop constantly looking over his shoulder.
(d) Because they believe Malfoy can see through the disguise.

11. Why are the children forced to wait for news, rather than being allowed to rush straight to the hospital to see Mr. Weasley?
(a) Mrs. Weasley wants to focus on her husband rather than worry about her family's safety.
(b) So that if he dies at the hospital, they aren't traumatized.
(c) Because it's too dangerous for Harry to go out in public.
(d) So that no one will suspect anything about why they already know about the attack.

12. What post is Professor Umbridge appointed to by the Ministry of Magic?
(a) Hogwarts' High Inquisitor.
(b) Divination Professor.
(c) Assistant Minister of Magic.
(d) Headmistress of Hogwarts.

13. What do members of the Slytherin House do during the match that fiercely demoralizes Ron?
(a) Dress up as Death Eaters.
(b) Create an illusion that makes it appear as though there are no spectators cheering for Gryffindor.
(c) Sing a song during the match about how bad Ron is at Quidditch.
(d) Cast spells at Ron while the referees are not looking.

14. Who appears unexpectedly during the hearing to come to Harry's aid?
(a) Sirius Black.
(b) Albus Dumbledore.
(c) Mrs. Weasley.
(d) Hagrid.

15. What seems strange about Harry facing the Wizengamot?
(a) They're all taking photos of him throughout the hearing.
(b) The Wizengamot has not been convened in over 100 years.
(c) Underage magic would usually only merit a small disciplinary hearing.
(d) Several of them are convicted Death Eaters.

Short Answer Questions

1. What Ministry employee has been sent to Hogwarts as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?

2. Where is the first informational meeting of the Defense Against the Dark Arts club held?

3. What is so special about the creatures Hagrid shows the students in his first class?

4. Where does Harry have to travel in Chapter 7?

5. After learning of the attack on Mr. Weasley, why does Dumbledore send former Headmaster paintings to search for him?

(see the answer keys)

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