Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 197 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 197 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the last D.A. meeting before the holidays, why does Cho break down while talking to Harry?
(a) Because of her previous boyfriend's death.
(b) She had a vision something horrible would happen when they return after break.
(c) Because she is so sad that Harry doesn't have a family to go home to.
(d) She learned that Umbridge is thinking of expelling her from Hogwarts.

2. Just before leaving for the holidays, who does Harry dream is attacked by a giant snake?
(a) Mrs. Weasley.
(b) Arthur Weasley.
(c) Aunt Petunia.
(d) Professor Snape.

3. Why does Harry arrive late to his hearing?
(a) They have to run from dementors.
(b) The time and location are changed without notice.
(c) The shrinking door will not allow them to enter.
(d) He gets up late in the morning.

4. What does Harry discover about the pain he feels in his scar on occasion?
(a) It hurts when he thinks about painful memories, particularly of his parents.
(b) Whenever he is under duress, it starts to burn.
(c) It hurts whenever someone tries to cast a dark spell on him.
(d) It occurs when he is linked to Voldemort's moods.

5. In Hagrid's first lesson, what kind of creature does he show the children in the Forbidden Forest?
(a) Centaurs.
(b) Gryphons.
(c) Thestrals.
(d) Unicorns.

6. What does the boggart reveal about Mrs. Weasley?
(a) She is worried her family will die fighting Voldemort.
(b) She was Lily Potter's best friend and misses her terribly.
(c) She is acting as a spy under Voldemort's influence.
(d) Her children are not all biologically hers.

7. What does Ron express an interest in becoming once he's graduated from Hogwarts?
(a) A dragon researcher.
(b) A Muggle Specialist at the Ministry of Magic.
(c) A member of S.P.E.W.
(d) An Auror.

8. What happens when Dumbledore looks Harry in the face for the first time since the hearing?
(a) Voldemort takes control of Harry and he attacks Dumbledore.
(b) Harry is overwhelmed by the desire to attack him and nearly loses control.
(c) Harry yells at Dumbledore for ignoring him all this time.
(d) Harry breaks down and cries because he has missed his mentor.

9. What space does Harry discover that is perfect for D.A. meetings?
(a) The Room of Requirement.
(b) A small cabin in the Forbidden Forest.
(c) The Divination classroom.
(d) Dumbledore's office.

10. Who appears unexpectedly during the hearing to come to Harry's aid?
(a) Sirius Black.
(b) Hagrid.
(c) Albus Dumbledore.
(d) Mrs. Weasley.

11. To whom does Harry write letters at the beginning of Chapter 3?
(a) Ron, Dumbledore and Hagrid.
(b) Ron, Hermione, and Sirius.
(c) Dumbledore, Hagrid and Hermione.
(d) Hermione, Sirius and Dumbledore.

12. What was Ms. Figg assigned to do in Little Whinging?
(a) Make sure the Dursleys treated Harry well.
(b) Spy on Harry for Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters.
(c) Study muggle behavior for the Ministry of Magic.
(d) Watch over Harry and prevent him from doing magic.

13. Where is the first informational meeting of the Defense Against the Dark Arts club held?
(a) The Hog's Head.
(b) Hagrid's shack.
(c) The school library.
(d) Forbidden Forest.

14. What post is Professor Umbridge appointed to by the Ministry of Magic?
(a) Headmistress of Hogwarts.
(b) Divination Professor.
(c) Assistant Minister of Magic.
(d) Hogwarts' High Inquisitor.

15. Why does Hagrid choose to ignore Hermione's advice about changing his curriculum?
(a) Because Dumbledore told him not to concern himself with Umbridge.
(b) Because he's not smart enough to write new lesson plans.
(c) Because he is certain his lessons are more interesting than other teachers' might be.
(d) Because Hermione always worries about trivial things.

Short Answer Questions

1. What name do the children choose for the new club teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts?

2. What does Dumbledore tell Harry when they speak after the hearing?

3. Why are the children forced to wait for news, rather than being allowed to rush straight to the hospital to see Mr. Weasley?

4. Where does Harry have to travel in Chapter 7?

5. What travel method was used to escort Harry from the Dursleys' home to the Order of the Phoenix?

(see the answer keys)

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