The Gnostic Gospels Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Gnostic Gospels Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. There are some descriptions of the resurrection that could raise some questions about the _____________ of the event.

2. Jesus says that he will lead Mary, make her _______ so that she too may become a living spirit, resembling the others in the room.

3. In the traditional orthodox canon, the spirit or the _____________ is gender neutral, but this is not the case everywhere.

4. The orthodox church became increasingly suspicious of anyone who claimed the secret ___________.

5. The resurrection was useful ____________, which is why it became such an important part of religious dogma.

Short Essay Questions

1. What made Christianity an easy reach for the masses, while also consolidating power in the Church?

2. What does Pagels point out in terms of the orthodox church's agenda in relation to conformity?

3. What are the two occasions described in the Bible in which the reappearance of Jesus might be called into question?

4. What made the idea of there only being a strict and narrow path to God so attractive to the orthodox?

5. What was the primary goal of the Valentianians in the way they lived and followed their beliefs?

6. What were Muhammed 'Ali al Summan and his brothers digging for when they made the important discovery?

7. Why were many of the papyri scrolls suddenly found on the black market after their initial discovery?

8. Describe the idea of the social reality in which those who practice orthodox faith live.

9. What do most people agree about in terms of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ?

10. Why does Pagels suggest that perhaps there was a social aspect to the way the Church wanted to function?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Looking at the Bible in a different way is not always something that people are willing to do.

Part 1: Why do you think people are resistant to seeing the Bible in a new way?

Part 2: Do you think that it's a good idea or a bad idea to look at new perspectives in the Bible? Why?

Part 3: How do you think religion might change if the gnostic gospels were considered to be true? Why?

Essay Topic 2

The idea of having one person as God seems to also relate to that day's thoughts about government and those in power.

Part 1: Do you think that the government had a vested interested in whether there was one God or more? Why or why not?

Part 2: How does having one God figure help those who are in the government?

Part 3: Why do you think that monotheism seems to be a prevalent spiritual concept in today's society?

Essay Topic 3

It is said that the resurrection was a turning point in the history of the world, at least in the Christian world.

Part 1: Why do you think the resurrection was such a turning point in the history of the Christian world?

Part 2: Do you think that Christianity would have the power it does if the resurrection had not happened? Why or why not?

Part 3: Do you think the resurrection story is a metaphor or do you believe that Jesus actually rose from the dead? Why?

(see the answer keys)

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