The Glass Menagerie Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Glass Menagerie Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Laura remember about her brace?
(a) It clumped loudly
(b) It hurt
(c) It had to be oiled
(d) People made fun of it

2. What does Amanda hope Tom and Jim will get home before?
(a) The rain starts
(b) It gets to dark
(c) Bed time
(d) Dinner is ready

3. Where does Jim sit down?
(a) Couch
(b) Chair
(c) Floor
(d) He doesn't sit down

4. What does Laura ask Jim if he kept up with?
(a) Singing
(b) Ball playing
(c) Acting
(d) Chasing girls

5. What did Jim call Tom?
(a) Hamlet
(b) Poe
(c) Shakespeare
(d) Homer

6. What does Amanda say about Laura drinking a little wine?
(a) It will be good for her
(b) It will make her more relaxed
(c) It will make her more sociable
(d) It will make her want to sing

7. What happened to the church where the Candelabrum came from?
(a) It turned into a center for aging adults
(b) It closed it's doors
(c) They got new items
(d) It burned down

8. What types does Jim say that he and Tom are not?
(a) Yes sir
(b) Average
(c) Warehouse
(d) Exceptional

9. What does Tom say is the longest space between two spaces?
(a) Harsh words
(b) Time
(c) The past
(d) Life

10. What did Jim see while in Chicago that was what future America will be like?
(a) Walk of Dreams
(b) Future World
(c) Tommorow's Plans
(d) Hall of Science

11. Why does Amanda tell Laura that Amanda won't answer the door when Tom gets home?
(a) Amanda will be busy
(b) Amanda will be in the bath
(c) So that Laura can see Jim
(d) Amanda hates answering the door

12. Who does Jim say was talking to him about Tom?
(a) Mr. Goodenburg
(b) Mr. Alanzo
(c) The Mayor
(d) Mr. Mendoza

13. When does Jim say he and Betty are getting married?
(a) Second Saturday in June
(b) Middle of August
(c) First day of March
(d) Last week in July

14. What does Amanda ask Jim to check when the lights go out?
(a) The neighbors lights
(b) The switches
(c) The fuses
(d) The wires

15. What does Tom compare the cities to?
(a) Lost friend
(b) Empty promises
(c) Dead leaves
(d) Wispered reminder

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Amanda dump into the refreshment?

2. What does Jim say that Tom probably did with the light bill?

3. Why did Laura come in late to class everyday in high school?

4. What does Amanda tell Laura that all pretty girls are?

5. Who does Jim comment on when he is reading the news paper?

(see the answer keys)

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