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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. How does Amanda describe Laura's state when Laura calls herself a cripple?
(a) A little defect
(b) A challenge
(c) A worry
(d) A problem
2. What does Amanda say will happen if Tom stays out to late?
(a) He will jeopardize his job
(b) He will have a good time
(c) They will worry
(d) Someone might get hurt
3. What is Laura doing when she hears her mother approaching?
(a) Studying her typing
(b) Writing a letter
(c) Reading
(d) Washing and polishing her collection of glass
4. Tom explains that the last they heard from their father he sent them a postcard from somewhere near the Pacific coast of Mexico with no return address. What was written on the postcard?
(a) Hello-Goodbye!
(b) Forgive me.
(c) Love you!
(d) So long suckers.
5. How does Amanda intend to get the money she feels they will need?
(a) Appearing onstage
(b) Selling magazine subscriptions
(c) Mending clothing
(d) Cleaning houses
6. What does Laura stat Amanda is afraid of?
(a) That Laura will be an old maid
(b) Spiders
(c) Thieves
(d) Her Children Leaving Home
7. Why did Amanda take Tom's novel back to the library?
(a) It was late
(b) Because it was filth
(c) Tom didn't like it
(d) She was done reading it
8. What meeting was Amanda supposed to have been at?
(a) Women's liberation meeting
(b) Local theater club
(c) Book club meeting
(d) D.A.R. meeting
9. What does Laura say when Amanda announces Laura is going to find someone to marry?
(a) That she is to poor
(b) That she is a cripple
(c) That she is to old
(d) That she is to ugly
10. Amanda tells Tom if he quit smoking he would have enough money to go to night school to be what?
(a) A doctor
(b) A policeman
(c) An accountant.
(d) A engineer
11. When does Amanda tell Tom she will speak to him?
(a) When he is married
(b) When he brings home more money
(c) Never
(d) When he appologizes
12. What is Amanda wearing when Tom and her enter the dinning room?
(a) Winter Coat
(b) Pajamas
(c) Very Old Bathrobe
(d) Cocktail Dress
13. What did the typing instructor say when Amanda asked about Laura's progress?
(a) Laura has started teaching the class
(b) Laura switched classes.
(c) That Laura dropped out after a few days
(d) She has never heard of such a student
14. What does Laura tell her mother she has been doing everyday when she should be at school.
(a) Learning to dance
(b) Walking
(c) At the library
(d) Working at a refinery
15. What does Amanda think they will need to help get a gentleman caller for Laura?
(a) Extra Phone
(b) Fancy Furniture
(c) Extra Money
(d) Nice Wig
Short Answer Questions
1. What two words does Amanda say when Laura tells her hello?
2. Who was the headliner on the stage show that Tom watched and assisted?
3. What was it that Jim called Laura in high school?
4. Amanda tells Tom he has a temperament like what?
5. What did it say in the Personal Section of the yearbook about Jim and Emily Meisenback?
This section contains 510 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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