The Glass Menagerie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Glass Menagerie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Amanda say that Tom should have done the minute he accepted Tom's invitation?
(a) Help Laura find a nice dress
(b) Do a happy dance
(c) Call Amanda
(d) Find out what he likes to eat

2. What does Amanda think they will need to help get a gentleman caller for Laura?
(a) Fancy Furniture
(b) Nice Wig
(c) Extra Phone
(d) Extra Money

3. What does Laura say when Amanda announces Laura is going to find someone to marry?
(a) That she is to old
(b) That she is a cripple
(c) That she is to ugly
(d) That she is to poor

4. What is the gentleman's position at the warehouse?
(a) Shift Superintendent
(b) Docking Supervisior
(c) Janitor
(d) Shipping Clerk

5. In her story how many gentlemen callers does Amanda tell her children she received in one night?
(a) Seventeen
(b) Twenty-two
(c) Twelve
(d) Eight

6. What is Laura's explanation for the lack of gentlemen callers?
(a) Laura isn't popular
(b) The State Fair is in progress
(c) Laura told them not to come
(d) They think Laura is poor

7. What is the one thing about Tom's father that Amanda wishes he would try and emulate?
(a) Taking care of his appearance
(b) His walk
(c) His charm
(d) His wit

8. What two words does Amanda say when Laura tells her hello?
(a) Wrong. Wrong.
(b) Pain! Pain!
(c) Deception? Deception?
(d) Why? Why?

9. How does Laura describe Emily Meisenback's clothes in high school?
(a) Nice
(b) Best-dressed
(c) Gaudy
(d) Shabby

10. What does Amanda say about Tom breaking Laura's glass menagerie?
(a) For Tom to clean it up
(b) For him to appologize to Laura
(c) Nothing
(d) That's one less thing to dust

11. What is Amanda wearing when Tom and her enter the dinning room?
(a) Winter Coat
(b) Very Old Bathrobe
(c) Cocktail Dress
(d) Pajamas

12. How does Amanda want Laura to pay Mr. Garfinkl at the store?
(a) Offer to do odd jobs for Mr. Garfinkl
(b) Cash
(c) Steal it
(d) Charge it

13. What does Amanda not say has "just gone up the spout?"
(a) Amanda's hopes and ambitions for Laura
(b) Lifes Work
(c) Fifty dollars tuition
(d) Their plans

14. What does Tom warn his mother that James doesn't know about?
(a) That they are poor
(b) That Tom wants James' job
(c) Laura
(d) That Tom and his mother fight

15. What happens to the lit match that Tom drops on the floor?
(a) It falls through the cracks
(b) It catches the rug on fire
(c) It burns him
(d) It scares the cat

Short Answer Questions

1. When does Amanda's alarm clock go off?

2. What does Amanda tell Tom she believes he has been doing?

3. When Laura offers to clear the table what activities does Amanda suggest she go do?

4. What do Amanda and Tom both say they are at the end of?

5. What are the two reasons Amanda suggests would stop gentlemen callers from coming to see Laura that night?

(see the answer keys)

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