The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of bird does Trisha see hanging upside down?
(a) Crow.
(b) Sparrow.
(c) Pigeon.
(d) Dove.

2. What day marks one week that Trisha is lost in the forest?
(a) Saturday.
(b) Wednesday.
(c) Thursday.
(d) Friday.

3. What kind of animals have been living in the truck cab?
(a) Squirrels.
(b) Chipmunks.
(c) Mice.
(d) Bats.

4. What is the score of the Red Sox game when Trisha falls asleep with her Walkman on?
(a) Three to one.
(b) Two to one.
(c) Three to nothing.
(d) Two to nothing.

5. What does Trisha hit the God of the Lost with?
(a) Her Gameboy.
(b) Her Walkman.
(c) A rock.
(d) Her cap.

Short Answer Questions

1. When does Trisha remember that her travel companions are imaginary?

2. What does the God of the Lost do while it watches Trisha sleep?

3. Whose voice does Trisha hear on the radio after she falls and cannot stand back up?

4. At what point in the Red Sox game does the God of the Lost watch Trisha sleep?

5. What kind of birds does Trisha see eating checkerberries?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Trisha know the God of the Lost is following her?

2. Describe the dream Trisha remembers having at the beginning of Chapter 13.

3. Why does Trisha not eat the berries and mushrooms sees in Chapter 12?

4. Explain how Larry gets Trisha baseball cap signed.

5. Why does Trisha not run from the God of the Lost?

6. What does Trisha think when she finally looks the God of the Lost in the face?

7. What would have happened if Trisha had crossed the marsh at the end of Chapter 9?

8. What do Trisha's parents debate about her memorial service?

9. Why does Trisha think the God of the Lost decides to leave her alone for the night?

10. Why is Trisha excited to find a post in the woods?

(see the answer keys)

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