Gates of Fire Test | Final Test - Easy

Steven Pressfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gates of Fire Test | Final Test - Easy

Steven Pressfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lady Arete's letter to Diomache say?
(a) The letter is a personal letter between old friends.
(b) The letter says that Xeones' death will be honored.
(c) The letter is to free Diomache from her service at the temple.
(d) The letter says that Xeones is free from his service and may marry Diomache.

2. Who appears to Diomache in a dream after she aborted her pregnancy and was ill?
(a) Persephone appears to her.
(b) Zeus appears to her.
(c) Apollo appears to her.
(d) Ares appears to her.

3. What question does Dienekes tell Alexandros has haunted him his whole life?
(a) What is the opposite of fear?
(b) Why does fear hold such power over men?
(c) Why do men fight wars?
(d) What exactly is fear?

4. Why does Arete give Xeones coins?
(a) She gives him the money to run away with and avoid death with the three hundred.
(b) She is bribing him to remain silent of what he saw when he caught her with Polynikes.
(c) She is paying him for his service to her husband.
(d) She gives him the money as a gift for his birthday.

5. After some of the helots and Thespians leave, about how many are left in the Greek forces?
(a) There are about sixty men left.
(b) There are about one hundred men left.
(c) There are about five hundred men left.
(d) There are about one thousand men left.

6. Who vouches for Xeones that he did not overhear details of the raid from the surgeons?
(a) Artemisia tells the king that the surgeons would not have known of such an attack.
(b) King Xerxes trusts Xeones, and declares his words true.
(c) Orontes, captain of the Immortals informs the king that Xeones was never once left alone with them.
(d) Mardonius speaks up for Xeones' honor.

7. Why do the Spartans decide to send only three hundred soldiers to Thermopylae?
(a) The Spartans do not feel that the Persians are a real threat to them, so three hundred should more than suffice.
(b) The Spartan senate refuses to send troops to Thermopylae, and the three hundred are the only volunteers.
(c) A larger force would not have room to fight, and would cause supply problems.
(d) The three hundred is only the advance force meant to hold off the Persians long enough for the main force to arrive.

8. In Chapter 28, which Persian deserter asks for Xeones by name?
(a) Elephantinos asks for him.
(b) Xerxes asks for him.
(c) Rooster asks for him.
(d) Tommie asks for him.

9. What do the Athenians call the high part of the city?
(a) They call it The Mound.
(b) They call it the Acropolis.
(c) They call it The Great Hill.
(d) They call it the royal compound.

10. Why is Xerxes having trouble sleeping?
(a) He has dysentery.
(b) He has contracted a terrible illness from one of the injured soldiers.
(c) He cannot sleep after the slaughter of battle.
(d) He is being plagued by nightmares and guilt over the desecration of Leonidas' body.

11. What is the reason that Xerxes comes to Greece?
(a) He comes to conquer the land for natural resources.
(b) He comes to have the Greek submit to him, and to have them offer him earth and water.
(c) He comes to avenge the death of his father.
(d) He comes to plunder the riches of Greece.

12. What does Leonidas say is the tell-all when battle comes?
(a) He says that physical strength will tell all.
(b) He says that practice of arms will tell all.
(c) He says that devotion to the gods will tell all.
(d) He says that courage will tell all.

13. Why does Leonidas include inexperienced soldiers in the three hundred?
(a) He runs out of heroes, and is forced to include young men who have little or no fighting experience.
(b) He hand selects each soldier, knowing that all of them will die, because he needs men that are expendable.
(c) All of his experienced fighters are old, and he wants some young muscle to help carry the workload.
(d) He believes that the chain is made stronger by including unproven links mixed in with the more experienced.

14. When does Xeones see Xerxes face-to-face before he is summoned?
(a) He sees Xerxes in battle.
(b) He sees Xerxes in a dream of prophesy.
(c) He sees Xerxes in the Persian court while traveling as a child.
(d) He is a member of the raiding party that attempts to kill Xerxes in his tent.

15. What happens to the raiding party?
(a) They fight against terrible odds, but manage to kill Xerxes before being killed to a man.
(b) They are captured.
(c) They fight to the death.
(d) Alexandros' hand is cut off, and a few others are killed, so Dienekes calls the retreat.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Artemisia tell Xerxes that he cannot leave the field of battle?

2. What happens to the raiding party that saves the life of Xerxes?

3. How many children does Xeones father?

4. What does Xerxes believe about Xeones' story?

5. What does Dienekes order Xeones to do?

(see the answer keys)

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