Gates of Fire Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Steven Pressfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gates of Fire Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Steven Pressfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 5: Polynikes, Chapter 20 - 23.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What drives Polynikes according to Dienekes?
(a) Polynikes is driven by his bloodlust.
(b) Polynikes is driven by the greed for glory.
(c) Polynikes has true andreia.
(d) Polynikes is driven the fear of dishonor.

2. Who were the first soldiers to arrive at Thermopylae?
(a) The Spartan heavy infantry were first to arrive.
(b) The Spartan Rangers were first to arrive.
(c) The Thespians were the first to arrive.
(d) The Persians were the first to arrive.

3. What is the name of the city-state where Xeones is from?
(a) Xeones is from in Athens.
(b) Xeones is from a country farm in Akarnania, not a city-state.
(c) Xeones is from in Astakos.
(d) Xeones is from in Sparta.

4. What is the reason for Xeones returning to life?
(a) Xeones returns to avenge his people.
(b) Xeones returns to warn the Spartan people that the battle has been lost.
(c) Xeones is to tell the story of the Battle of Thermopylae.
(d) Due to the violent nature of his death, the spirit of Xeones can not pass on to the world of the dead.

5. What does Leonidas do after the Antirhion king surrenders?
(a) He takes the survivors as slaves.
(b) He spares the lives of the survivors and those in the city.
(c) He slaughters both soldiers and city folk alike.
(d) He executes the enemy soldiers, but allows the people in the city to survive.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the purpose of an all-sire unit?

2. What secret does Arete tell Xeones in Chapter 20?

3. What is the standing order of Dienekes while on campaign?

4. Why does Polynikes feel that Spartans are superior to any other people?

5. What is panoplia?

(see the answer key)

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