Gates of Fire Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Steven Pressfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gates of Fire Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Steven Pressfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 2: Alexandros, Chapter 10 - 11.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Xeones and Diomache separate?
(a) They separate when they reach Athens.
(b) They separate at a fork in the road called Three Corners.
(c) They separate at The Crossroads.
(d) They separate just before reaching Sparta.

2. Where does the Spartan king march and fight, relative to the rest of his army?
(a) The king remains at the front of the lines, where he can be a part of the action at all times.
(b) The king commands from the back of the army where it is safer.
(c) The king usually stays at the center of his army, so that his men surround him at all times.
(d) The king does not go with his army, but sends a general in his stead.

3. What is the preferred weapon of Suicide?
(a) He prefers to use a longbow.
(b) He prefers to use his spear, the Eight-footer.
(c) He prefers to use his two short swords.
(d) He prefers to use his short javelins, called Darning Needles.

4. What is Hermion's nickname?
(a) He is called Pretty Boy.
(b) He is called The Archer.
(c) He is called Mountain.
(d) He is called Rooster.

5. What does Polynikes do when he catches Alexandros handling his shield improperly?
(a) He puts the boy through a lengthy and humiliating training drill.
(b) He beats the boy senseless.
(c) He bans Alexandros from the practice fields for life.
(d) He kindly shows the boy the proper way of handling the shield.

Short Answer Questions

1. Thermopylae is described as what?

2. Why do the Antirhions lose the battle?

3. What are the Spartan battle games designed for?

4. What are the names of the two dogs that Xeones and Diomache find?

5. What does Polynikes do after dealing with Alexandros?

(see the answer key)

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