Fugitive Pieces Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fugitive Pieces Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is significant of Salonika?
(a) It is where Jakob produces his greatest works of poetry.
(b) It is where Jakob finds information about Bella.
(c) It is where Athos' ashes are strewn.
(d) It is where Jews, Christians, and Muslims once lived in harmony.

2. Of what does Michaela speak enthusiastically?
(a) Being a woman in a man's world.
(b) Having children.
(c) Her Russian-Spanish heritage.
(d) Her work with various varieties of grapes.

3. About what does Maurice worry?
(a) That Jakob's journals are lost in the huge library.
(b) That Ben will not be persistent.
(c) That Ben will misinterpret Jakob's journals.
(d) That Maurice will have to work many hours with Ben.

4. What helps Ben understand his nightmares?
(a) Studying the Holocaust.
(b) Reading Jakob Beer.
(c) His grandmother's letters.
(d) Visiting Treblinka.

5. What reminds Ben of his parents' shoes and mended clothing?
(a) A description in one of Jakob's journals.
(b) A jumble of sandals in Jakob's study.
(c) Two elderly Jews walking past in the street.
(d) A picture of a medicant preacher.

6. How does Jakob feel in Greece?
(a) At home and forever a stranger.
(b) A pariah.
(c) Completely at home.
(d) A prodigal son.

7. What is one thing Ben dreads when young?
(a) Piano lessons.
(b) Attending synagogue.
(c) Hebrew lessons.
(d) Going to school.

8. What do Ben and Petra discover when they pull down the covers on Jakob's bed?
(a) A note from Michaela to her brother.
(b) A note from Michaela to Jakob.
(c) A note from Jakob to Bella.
(d) A handwritten group of poems no one has seen.

9. What is "No Mortal Foe"?
(a) Jakob's third chapbook of poems.
(b) Ben's second book.
(c) A collection of essays by Jakob.
(d) A treatise on angels.

10. How does the famed rabbi travel in the parable?
(a) Incognito.
(b) Simply but openly.
(c) With much elaborate preparations.
(d) Ostentatiously.

11. About what did Ben have nightmares?
(a) The demon sucking his blood dry.
(b) The hiss of gas.
(c) Doors axed down.
(d) The grandmother becoming an SS trooper.

12. How did people study the nature of lightening up to the eighteenth century?
(a) By its effect.
(b) By its appearance.
(c) By its frequency.
(d) They had no interest in studying lightening.

13. When does Ben arrive on Idhra?
(a) In the middle of a serious typhoon.
(b) When a stifling air mass is becalmed over the area.
(c) At a time of refreshing winds.
(d) When the tide surges are higher than normal.

14. What does Ben picture about Jakob's journals?
(a) Where Jakob might have sat to write many of the journals.
(b) Where Jakob might have buried them.
(c) Why Jakob burns some of them.
(d) How Jakob was so faithful in recording in them every day.

15. What does Ben find tucked into the roof of where he is staying?
(a) A map.
(b) Jakob's private study.
(c) A key.
(d) A book of burial locations.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Ben and Petra do inside of getting into the bed?

2. What volume does Jakob select to read himself to sleep?

3. Into what is despair transformed in the gas chambers?

4. When does Jakob feel safe above ground for the first time?

5. Of what is Michaela afraid after visiting a museum?

(see the answer keys)

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