Freedom From Fear Test | Final Test - Easy

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Freedom From Fear Test | Final Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Ma Than E's essay, which is NOT a habit that Suu Kyi's mother practiced at home?
(a) She taught the children about Burmese history.
(b) She reminded her children of her father's legacy.
(c) She taught the children by example.
(d) She raised her children as Buddhists.

2. According to Ann Pasternak Slater, what is Suu Kyi's quality that stands out the most?
(a) Her selflessness.
(b) Her determination.
(c) Her egalitarianism.
(d) Her intelligence.

3. What did the Nobel Peace Prize committee conclude about Aung San Suu Kyi?
(a) That she stands head and shoulders above most leaders of the people.
(b) That she is a person of high character and a true leader.
(c) That she is a force for peace.
(d) That she was one of the greatest examples of civic courage in Asia in decades.

4. In Suu Kyi's undated letter to the United Nations, she states that "those who embrace the cause of human rights...
(a) not recognize an illegitimate government that does not uphold these rights."
(b) ...will prevail against a rule that does not justly serve the people."
(c) ...reject the imposition of the will of the dominant faction."
(d) ...will seek justice from those who are violating the rights of the populace."

5. What did the Nobel Peace Prize committee determine about Suu Kyi when they selected her for the award?
(a) She became the voice of a non-violent democratic movement opposing a brutal military regime.
(b) She stood high and above all of the other nominees for the award.
(c) She is almost single-handedly withstanding the power of the military government.
(d) She is a person of high character and integrity.

6. In Suu Kyi's interview with Dominic Falder on AsiaWeek in July 1989, what does she describe as being poor?
(a) The economic vitiality of Burma.
(b) The health of Burma.
(c) The hope of the people of Burma.
(d) An organization totally under the thumb of a dictator.

7. In her letter to the editor dated 14 April 1989, what was the result of the difficulties that Suu Kyi encountered?
(a) The United Nation was investigating the alleged charges of human rights violations.
(b) She was allowed visitors.
(c) Somone countermanded the order at the last minute.
(d) She heard a rumor that the Burmese government would have a dialogue.

8. In her undated letter to the United Nations, what is Suu Kyi's hope for the United Nation's role in Burma?
(a) That the United Nations could send a diplomatic corps to Burma for discussions with the military regime.
(b) That the United Nations Security Council would gather international military powers to defeat the regime in Burma.
(c) That the United Nations would draw worldwide attention to the human rights violations in Burma.
(d) That the United Nations can create conditions where people can express their views without fear of reprisal.

9. Who was the Secretary General during the time Suu Kyi was working for the United Nations?
(a) Kurt Waldheim.
(b) Dag Hammerskjold.
(c) Javier Perez de Cuellar.
(d) U Thant.

10. According to Suu Kyi in her undated letter to the United Nations, why does the NLD not seek confrontation?
(a) Because it violates their philosophy of non-violence.
(b) Because it does not have the manpower and artillery that the military has.
(c) Because the United Nations would dismiss their cause.
(d) Because it can bring only more suffering to a populace.

11. How do Ann Pasternak Slater and Suu Kyi know each other as adults?
(a) They collaborate on political treatise.
(b) They encounter each other at conferences.
(c) Their husbands are colleagues.
(d) They are neighbors.

12. In her speech delivered at a pagoda in Myitkyina, Kachin State on April 27, 1989, what advice does Suu Kyi give to parents?
(a) To teach children to respect others' rights through thoughts and actions.
(b) Teach children both justice and compassion.
(c) To keep their children hidden so they will not be conscripted into the military.
(d) To plant the thoughts of democracy in their childrens' minds.

13. What was the next step the government took toward Suu Kyi according to Josef Silverstein?
(a) The government began attacking her personally.
(b) Her supporters began to disappear during the night.
(c) Suu Kyi's supporters were exhiled.
(d) The people of Burma would be arrested for having contact with Suu Kyi.

14. Who does Suu Kyi ask to press about the human rights violations in Burma in her open letter dated September 26, 1988?
(a) Ambassadors from countries recognized by the Burmese government.
(b) The members of the United Nations General Assembly
(c) The citizens of the world.
(d) World Leaders.

15. According to Suu Kyi in her undated letter to the United Nations, for what offenses are political prisoners being held?
(a) For false offenses.
(b) For offenses that are a threat to the State.
(c) For flimsy offenses.
(d) For valid offenses.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Suu Kyi's letter to the editor dated 14 April 1989, who changed the result of Suu Kyi's difficulties?

2. What was one of the reasons why Suu Kyi submitted her papers for candidacy for the election in May 1990?

3. How did Aung San Suu Kyi travel when she describes the events in her letter to the editor dated January 21, 1989?

4. What are Suu Kyi's comments about the SLORC in an interview with Dominic Falder on AsiaWeek in July 1989?

5. What about Burmese culture enabled Aung San Suu Kyi to become the spokesperson for a democratic movement in Burma, according to Josef Silverstein?

(see the answer keys)

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