Fortunate Son Test | Final Test - Medium

Lewis Burwell Puller Jr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fortunate Son Test | Final Test - Medium

Lewis Burwell Puller Jr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the general public react to the return of the Vietnam Veterans in 1970?
(a) Americans welcome home the veterans with parades.
(b) The veterans are pitied by most Americans.
(c) The veterans are reviled by most people in America.
(d) No one greets the veterans when they arrive home.

2. How does Dr. Willet plan to improve Lewis's grip in his right hand?
(a) With a synthetic tissue graft.
(b) By grafting the tip of his pinky to his thumb.
(c) By splitting the tissue between Lewis' thumb and forefinger.
(d) By grafting cadaver tissue onto Lewis' hand.

3. Who is Paul Trible?
(a) The Speaker of the House in 1976.
(b) The Republican who wins Tom Downing's seat in Congress.
(c) Tom Downing's opponent in the Presidential race.
(d) The Chief Lawyer to the White House in 1976.

4. After leaving the hospital for the last time, what does Lewis decide to do as a civilian?
(a) Go to law school.
(b) Run in the Special Olympics.
(c) Lobby to end the war.
(d) Let his hair grow long.

5. In Chapter 7, why does Lewis delay his entry into law school?
(a) To spend more time with his family.
(b) He needs more time to practice walking.
(c) To adjust to life outside the hospital.
(d) The GI bill administration is late with his tuition payment.

Short Answer Questions

1. What political scandal occurs in 1972?

2. What does Lewis decide to do in January of 1978?

3. What are Lewis's plans for the future in Chapter 9?

4. In Chapter 7, how does Lewis dress to fit in on campus?

5. In Chapter 9, what event had made Lewis feel uncomfortable and awkward the previous evening?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Lewis prepare to re-enter civilian life?

2. Describe the operation Dr. Sandzen attempts on Lewis's right hand.

3. Why does Lewis have problems with his co-workers at the Office of General Counsel of the Veterans Administration?

4. How does Lewis's drinking affect his work and family life?

5. How does collegiate life affect Lewis' view of the Marine Corps?

6. How does Lewis's stay in the psychiatric unit at Bethesda Naval Hospital and the Psychiatric Institute of Washington affect his character?

7. What is in the letter Dr. Sandzen shows Lewis?

8. How does Toddy help Lewis cope with the loss of the election?

9. Why are Lewis's friends surprised by his choice of actions after the election?

10. How does Lewis's work with the Paralyzed Veterans of America affect his motivation?

(see the answer keys)

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