Fortunate Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lewis Burwell Puller Jr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fortunate Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lewis Burwell Puller Jr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the platoon discover one morning after camping on the sides of two hills in a V-shaped draw?
(a) A booby trap made from a discarded C-ration can.
(b) A cache of cigarettes and beer.
(c) A dead Vietcong soldier in an American uniform.
(d) A group of refugees hiding in caves.

2. Who is Phil Leslie?
(a) The corpsman for Lewis' platoon.
(b) One of Nixon's political advisors in Vietnam.
(c) The Staff Sergeant who ran the platoon before Lewis' arrival.
(d) The radio operator who was shot.

3. Which solider in Lewis' platoon excels at walking point on patrols?
(a) Ski.
(b) Corporal Watson.
(c) Cowboy.
(d) Corporal Hitch.

4. What lesson does Lewis learn the day his eye is blackened?
(a) Be sure of your target and of what is beyond it.
(b) Boys do not cry in front of grown men.
(c) Watch your front and trust that others will have your back.
(d) Always watch where you step.

5. What does Eddie make?
(a) Beautiful hand blown glassware.
(b) Custom-made artificial legs.
(c) Hand rolled cigarettes.
(d) Art from discarded weaponry.

6. What war is America fighting in 1967?
(a) The Korean War.
(b) Desert Storm.
(c) The Vietnam War.
(d) Afghanistan War.

7. For what honor is Bob Kerrey nominated in Chapter 5?
(a) The Medal of Honor.
(b) The Legion of Merit.
(c) The Silver Star.
(d) The Purple Heart.

8. Where is Lewis' unit deployed when he first arrives in Vietnam?
(a) Near the Cua Viet River.
(b) Just north of Seoul.
(c) Outside Ho Chi Minh.
(d) Near the Thanlyin river.

9. In Chapter 2, where does Virginia's husband serve during the war?
(a) Afghanistan.
(b) Germany.
(c) Vietnam.
(d) Korea.

10. In Chapter 1, why is Lewis sometimes beaten up by other boys living on base?
(a) Lewis taunts the other boys to provoke a fight.
(b) They are jealous of his privileged life.
(c) Lewis is smaller than all the other boys.
(d) Lewis often brags about his father's accomplishments.

11. Why is the platoon's mission into the DMZ compromised?
(a) There is a delay due to Corporal Hitch's heat exhaustion.
(b) Lewis loses radio contact with Captain Woods.
(c) Corporal Watson steps on a land mine.
(d) A forbidden campfire alerts the Vietcong to the platoon's position.

12. What painful treatment must Lewis endure to prepare his leg for surgery?
(a) Steel pin alignments.
(b) Skin stretching.
(c) Chemotherapy.
(d) Muscle building.

13. In Chapter 1, what rank had Lewis's father attained?
(a) Lieutenant Colonel.
(b) Brigadier General.
(c) Lieutenant General.
(d) Colonel Brigadier.

14. In Chapter 2, what waiver is Lewis granted?
(a) A vision waiver.
(b) A draft waiver.
(c) A handicapped waiver.
(d) An educational waiver.

15. Who is Corporal Turner?
(a) The senior corpsman
(b) The platoon guide.
(c) The radio operator.
(d) Squad leader.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are stubbies?

2. What is the name of Lewis's twin sister?

3. How does Lewis earn his first Purple Heart medal?

4. What position does Lewis assign Cowboy?

5. To what base is Lewis's father transferred in 1954?

(see the answer keys)

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