Flashman and the Redskins Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flashman and the Redskins Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the Apache's shoot Flashman with?
(a) A bullet.
(b) An poison arrow.
(c) A pellet gun.
(d) A knife.

2. What does Candy do with Flashman?
(a) She tries to kill him.
(b) She wants to marry him.
(c) She gives hims to the Indians, just like he did to her.
(d) She sends him back to Enlgand.

3. After Flashman is shot, who is his rescuer?
(a) Sonsee-array.
(b) Geronimo.
(c) Kit Carson.
(d) Wootton.

4. What does Geronimo introduce Flashman to?
(a) The sweatbath and betothal rituals.
(b) Scalping.
(c) Swimming.
(d) War-painting.

5. What opportunity does General Crook miss regarding the Native Americans?
(a) He misses the train westward for a meeting.
(b) He misses a chance to caputre Spotted Tail.
(c) He misses the chance to see Flashman.
(d) He misses a chance to capture Crazy Horse.

6. What has gone almost extinct, which dooms the Native American way of life?
(a) Rattle snakes.
(b) Rabbits.
(c) Buffalo.
(d) Water.

7. What ultimately happens to Vasco?
(a) He is banised from the tribe.
(b) He eventually wins Sonsee-array over.
(c) He is bitten by a rattlesnake.
(d) Yawner kills him before he can kill Flashman.

8. What retainer does Mrs. Arthur B. Candy try to give Flashman for his services?
(a) Nothing.
(b) $20,000.
(c) $15,000.
(d) $5,000.

9. Where is Camp Robinson located?
(a) In a war zone west of the Mississippi.
(b) In a war zone south of the Black Hills.
(c) In the "peaceful" zone west of the Mississippi.
(d) In the "peaceful" zone south of the Black Hills.

10. What has led to war parties around Camp Robinson?
(a) Americans on sacred Native American lands.
(b) A hatred of Americans.
(c) The Native Americans have had enough.
(d) A hard winter and low provisions.

11. What does Flashman think about negotiations with Sen. Allison?
(a) He thinks that they will be able to reach a compromise with the Native Americans.
(b) He thinks they are pointless.
(c) He knows he'll be able to help.
(d) He thinks they could be really useful.

12. What does Flashman consider Chief Mangas Colorado?
(a) A psychopath.
(b) A fine psychologist and politician.
(c) A blood-thirsty tyrant.
(d) A bit slow, but nice enough.

13. What does Sonsee-array's spurned suitor issue to Flashman?
(a) A dull knife.
(b) A warning that Flashman better stay away from Sonsee-array.
(c) A broken gun.
(d) A challenge for her hand in marraige.

14. Before Carson and Flashman part ways, what does Carson tell Flashman about Wootton?
(a) Carson tells Flashman that Wootton has died.
(b) That Wootton suspects that he is Comber, who is a bigamist with a price on his head.
(c) Carson tells Flashman that Wootton and Susie have gotten married.
(d) Carson tells Flashman that Wootton is looking for him to collect the extra $100.00 a week he is owed.

15. What does Vasco try and do to Flashman?
(a) He tries to woo Sonsee-array away from Flashman.
(b) He tries to poison him.
(c) He tries to kill him in battle.
(d) He tries to kill him treacherously.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to Flashman's shoulder after he is shot?

2. Why does George Custer feel that he has been reverted back to prewar rank of lieutenant colonel?

3. What does Flashman lament upon seeing this woman in the restaurant in Washington D.C.?

4. Who else has bombarded Grant regarding Custer?

5. What is the name of Part 2?

(see the answer keys)

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