Flashman and the Redskins Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flashman and the Redskins Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does George Custer feel that he has been reverted back to prewar rank of lieutenant colonel?
(a) Because he didn't do a great job as a general.
(b) Because he didn't want to be in a battle any longer.
(c) Because the war is over.
(d) Because President Grant dislikes him.

2. Who is Flashman amazed to meet during dinner at the Grand Pacific?
(a) Spotted Tail.
(b) Susie.
(c) Wootton.
(d) Cleonie.

3. What has gone almost extinct, which dooms the Native American way of life?
(a) Buffalo.
(b) Rabbits.
(c) Water.
(d) Rattle snakes.

4. Who does Flashman accompany westward after his meeting with Candy?
(a) General Custer.
(b) General Terry.
(c) Candy.
(d) General Crook.

5. Who does Candy reveal herself to be?
(a) Cleonie.
(b) Elspeth.
(c) Susie.
(d) Aphrodite.

6. What ultimately happens to Vasco?
(a) He is bitten by a rattlesnake.
(b) He is banised from the tribe.
(c) He eventually wins Sonsee-array over.
(d) Yawner kills him before he can kill Flashman.

7. What happens to Flashman's shoulder after he is shot?
(a) It's paralyzed.
(b) It's only a surface wound.
(c) It's barely grazed.
(d) It's really sore.

8. Who is the woman that Flashman saved from Nugent-Hare?
(a) The wife of Chief Mangas Colorado.
(b) The daughter of John Gallantin.
(c) The daughter of Chief Mangas Colorado.
(d) She was a peasant.

9. What is Spotted Tail blunt about while at Camp Robinson?
(a) He is blunt that the Black Hills will not be taken.
(b) He is blunt about his desire for Elspeth.
(c) He is blunt about his hatred for Flashman.
(d) He is blunt about his resistance to negotiations.

10. What retainer does Mrs. Arthur B. Candy try to give Flashman for his services?
(a) $15,000.
(b) $20,000.
(c) $5,000.
(d) Nothing.

11. What does Mrs. Arthur B. Candy want with Flashman?
(a) She wants to know if he knows Otto von Bismarck.
(b) She wants to sleep with him.
(c) She wants him to endorse her business.
(d) She wants to introduce him to her husband.

12. What does Elspeth get involved with that delays the Flashmans from sailing to England?
(a) The World's Fair.
(b) The World Cup.
(c) The New York Independence Day Foundation.
(d) The Philidelphia Exposition.

13. What does Grant ask Flashman as Flashman is leaving their meeting?
(a) He asks if Flashman would like to return to England.
(b) He asks if Flashman is happy in the United States.
(c) He asks if he is the character in Tom Brown's School days.
(d) He asks if Flashman thinks Grant is doing a good job.

14. What does Sonsee-array's spurned suitor issue to Flashman?
(a) A challenge for her hand in marraige.
(b) A dull knife.
(c) A warning that Flashman better stay away from Sonsee-array.
(d) A broken gun.

15. What does Flashman tell Maxwell and Kit Carson after Flashman is shot?
(a) The truth about his adventures with Gallantin and the Apaches.
(b) He doesn't say much of anything because he is delirious.
(c) He tells them he wants to go home to England.
(d) He lies to them about his adventures with the Apaches.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Geronimo introduce Flashman to?

2. What does each side, the Native Americans and the U.S. Army, accuse each other of?

3. What opportunity does General Crook miss regarding the Native Americans?

4. What does Flashman lament upon seeing this woman in the restaurant in Washington D.C.?

5. In Part 2, what does Flashman say is beginning to anger even the most peaceful of Native Americans?

(see the answer keys)

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