Flashman and the Redskins Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flashman and the Redskins Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Flashman say that in St. Louis, you don't dare drink anything besides claret?
(a) Because of malaria.
(b) Because in St. Louis, you want to be drunk all the time.
(c) Because of small pox.
(d) Because of cholera.

2. How does Susie threaten her girls?
(a) She threatens to beat them.
(b) She threatens to sell them.
(c) She threatens to fire them.
(d) She threatens to leave them behind.

3. What does Grattan Nugent-Hare do after he is hired?
(a) He sleeps with Susie.
(b) He steals $2,000 from Susie and leaves.
(c) He sleeps with Cleonie.
(d) He is thankful and is very diligent at his job.

4. What does Nugent-Hare reveal to Flashman?
(a) That he'd been having an affair with Susie since Council Grove.
(b) That he was in love with Susie.
(c) That his name isn't really Nugent-Hare.
(d) That he'd known who Flashman was all along.

5. How does Nugent-Hare consider getting even with Flashman?
(a) He considers telling Susie who the real Flashman is.
(b) He considers going back to Susie and taking over as man of the house.
(c) He considers injuring him.
(d) He considers killing him and making it look like an accident.

6. What does Flashman do with Cleonie as he is leaving Santa Fe?
(a) He makes arrangements for her to escape slavery.
(b) He sells her to the Native Americans for $2,000.
(c) He takes her away with him.
(d) He makes her stay with Susie.

7. As Flashman and Wootton are eating buffalo, what frightens Flashman?
(a) They see a Native American war party.
(b) Three Native Americans who sneak up on them.
(c) Wootton frightens Flashman a bit.
(d) Nothing, Flashman remains blissfully ignorant.

8. Who rejoins the caravan after the battle at Fort Bent is over?
(a) Captain Spring.
(b) The Pittsburg Pirates.
(c) Wootton.
(d) Spotted Tail.

9. What does Flashman show the men that he is arguing with?
(a) A pound with the Queen's picture on it.
(b) A tattoo of the British flag.
(c) A place on his head where he was "scalped" by a Native American.
(d) A scar that he got while in a bar fight.

10. What happens to Flashman after the argument in the Traveler's Club?
(a) He gets knocked out by an angry mob.
(b) He decides to go home and sleep it off.
(c) He gets thrown out of the club.
(d) Everyone decides to get another drink and be done with it.

11. What ultimately happens to Nugent-Hare?
(a) He is killed by Flashman with his own blade as they are fighting over a female.
(b) He wets himself.
(c) He is terrified and runs off.
(d) He gets scalped.

12. What name does Peter Omohundro call Flashman?
(a) Beauchamp Comber.
(b) Harry Flashman.
(c) Prescott.
(d) Captain Spring.

13. How does the author begin Flashman and the Redskins?
(a) With Chapter 1.
(b) In the middle of a love scene.
(c) With an introduction.
(d) In the middle of a battle scene.

14. Who gets Flashman the job with Captain Spring?
(a) Flashman's father-in-law.
(b) Flashman's uncle.
(c) Captain Spring's daughter.
(d) Captain Spring's wife.

15. What does Grattan Nugent-Hare notice about Flashman when he meets him again?
(a) That he doesn't have a British accent anymore.
(b) That he cut his hair.
(c) That his name has changed from Comber to Flashman.
(d) That he is travelling alone.

Short Answer Questions

1. What agreement does Flashman come to with Wootton?

2. Why won't the girls tell Susie about Flashman's infidelity?

3. What happens after the caravans come in contact with the stricken natives?

4. What name does Susie know Flashman as?

5. How does Susie's method of getting rid of Spring sit with Flashman?

(see the answer keys)

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