Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Fill in the blank: Journalists can only view ______ as being either worthy of respect or derision.
(a) Other journalists.
(b) Campaign managers.
(c) Police officers.
(d) Politicians.

2. According to Thompson, what vote do the politicians generally look down upon?
(a) Middle-aged men.
(b) Youth.
(c) Elderly women.
(d) Hispanic.

3. What is particularly colorful about the letter exchange in "July?"
(a) Thompson reveals the sordid parties that happen with the journalists.
(b) Thompson reveals some secrets about Eagleton.
(c) Thompson manages to call his correspondant by several filthy names.
(d) Thompson includes a few tabs of acid with the letters.

4. During the May primary, how does Thompson describe a politician hearing a particular sound?
(a) A fox getting caught in a trap.
(b) A werewolf killing one's guard dog.
(c) A cat being cornered by a dog.
(d) A vulture picking at carrion.

5. For what is Jerry Rubin known?
(a) For Communism.
(b) For attempting to levitate the Pentagon.
(c) As a Yippie activist.
(d) For furthering the knowledge of drugs with Timothy Leary.

6. How does Thompson prefer to do his work?
(a) In the shower.
(b) Easily and slowly.
(c) With heavy deadlines.
(d) With a collaborator.

7. With which group does George Wallace apparently have the most affinity?
(a) The rich businessmen.
(b) The factory workers.
(c) The students.
(d) The middle-classes.

8. How does Thompson describe the Washington D.C. journalists in "January?"
(a) They dress in a vintage style.
(b) They dress all in black.
(c) They dress in denim.
(d) They dress like bank tellers.

9. In what city was Bobby Kennedy assassinated?
(a) Washington, D.C.
(b) Los Angeles.
(c) Dallas.
(d) New York City.

10. In this book, what is used to separate groups of paragraphs?
(a) Pages.
(b) Icons.
(c) Numbers.
(d) Photographs.

11. Who does Rubin claim will march down to the Convention Center in July?
(a) One hundred Yippie activists.
(b) Timothy Leary.
(c) Ten thousand naked hippies.
(d) Every hippie celebrity in the country.

12. According to Thompson, in "January," who beat Johnson in New Hampshire?
(a) The Wallace voters.
(b) The Nixon voters.
(c) The Muskie voters.
(d) The McCarthy voters.

13. When Thompson hears a specific sound during the May primary, which group does he claim this sound would particularly distress?
(a) Middle America.
(b) Hippies.
(c) American troops.
(d) Politicians.

14. For what reason does Senator McCarthy visit the factory workers in "May?"
(a) To make sure they are being given proper benefits.
(b) To shake their hands.
(c) To see a factory local to his hometown.
(d) To visit where his father used to work there.

15. In "April," which position does Thompson initially apply for?
(a) A speech writer for Nixon.
(b) The White House Press Corps.
(c) McGovern's campaign director.
(d) The military.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "January," whose vote is discussed alongside the generational voting habits?

2. What reason is Thompson given that attempts to diminish the importance of his employer?

3. What is a trademark of Thompson's writing, as evidenced in "June?"

4. To what does Thompson compare the writer's problem he discusses in "June?"

5. Why is Thompson angry during "June?"

(see the answer keys)

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