The Face on the Milk Carton Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Face on the Milk Carton Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Janie and Reeve stop to spend an intimate night together?
(a) A fancy hotel.
(b) They pull off to the side of the road.
(c) A friend's home.
(d) A motel.

2. Which place does Reeve suppose Janie is kidnapped from?
(a) Ice cream shop.
(b) Playground.
(c) Park.
(d) Shopping center.

3. In which chapter does Janie truly begin to confide in Reeve?
(a) Chapter 12.
(b) Chapter 5.
(c) Chapter 10.
(d) Chapter 9.

4. In which state does Janie currently live in Chapter 12?
(a) Connecticut.
(b) New Jersey.
(c) Pennsylvania.
(d) Vermont.

5. What does Sarah-Charlotte ask Janie about in chapter 16, that upsets Janie?
(a) Her relationship with Reeve.
(b) Her real parents.
(c) The milk carton.
(d) Her sexual status.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the best word to describe the novel's ending?

2. How does Janie believe she is related to the boy(s)?

3. Which word best describes how the Johnsons are feeling, after telling Janie the truth?

4. Where does Janie ask Reeve to take her, after she confronts her parents?

5. In which chapter does Janie go to the police about her kidnapping?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do the Johnson's take Janie out for pizza? What are they attempting to do?

2. Explain the contrast present between Janie's relationship with Reeve and Janie's relationship with her family.

3. Why do Janie and Reeve decide against staying in the motel together/

4. What suggests that Janie wants to, and plans on, spending the night with Reeve in the future?

5. Why is Janie relieved that the Johnsons are screaming at her?

6. Janie sees three boys outside of the Spring home. What are her thoughts on them, and what other memories do they spark in Janie's mind?

7. Does Janie believe that the Johnson's kidnap her, even after hearing the truth about the past? Explain.

8. What idea does the New York Times give Janie?

9. What might "attention" have to do with Janie's kidnapping, as supposed by Janie?

10. How does food serve as a symbol of the state of the family unit?

(see the answer keys)

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