Excavation Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

James Rollins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Excavation Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

James Rollins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Norman compare Sam to?
(a) Hermes.
(b) Sherlock.
(c) Aries.
(d) Brutus.

2. What did it turn out, the friar was a part of?
(a) The Pope's council.
(b) The Spanish Inquisition.
(c) All of these.
(d) The teachers of the Faith.

3. What is common in many cultures?
(a) The value of gold.
(b) The belief in gods.
(c) Dualism.
(d) Booby traps.

4. Where did all the mans hopes lay in?
(a) Facing the heathens that had captured him.
(b) Reaching the altar atop the next peak.
(c) Getting back to the Spanish groups.
(d) Going back to Europe.

5. What triggered the change in shape of the substance?
(a) The freezing.
(b) Henry's thoughts.
(c) The electromagnetism.
(d) Radiation.

Short Answer Questions

1. What were caverns considered to be?

2. What had Denal brought that no one else had thought to bring?

3. What did the man look at?

4. Where had Sam been sitting when the car containing his parents had crashed?

5. Who is the metallurgy specialist?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why didn't the Monk want to throw down his robes, despite the fact that they hindered his progress through the jungle?

2. What might the group have stopped and appreciated if they weren't hungry and exhausted, fleeing the predatory arachnids?

3. What had Francisco done to the cross?

4. Why hadn't the Inca captors stripped the man of his cross and robe?

5. Why was the dig team burdened with Philip?

6. What did Henry believe regarding the crucifix and the substance?

7. What does the symbol of the two swords and the crucifix mean and how does that information affect Henry?

8. What idea led Sam to consider the journey across the booby trapped room?

9. Why did Philip wish that he had been trapped down with the other archaeologists?

10. Why did Otera think he would like to hear the American kid beg for his life?

(see the answer keys)

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