Endymion Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Endymion Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many years of history has Aenea missed that Raul tries to fill her in on?
(a) 250 years.
(b) 500 years.
(c) 520 years.
(d) 200 years.

2. Who keeps busy by inventorying the ship's weapon locker?
(a) Bettik.
(b) Aenea.
(c) Gregorious.
(d) Raul.

3. What world is heavily populated by the Pax?
(a) Hermes Vector.
(b) Renaisssance Vector.
(c) Mare Infinitus.
(d) Jasper Infinitus.

4. Who is introduced as the narrator in Chapter 2?
(a) Aenea.
(b) Nemes.
(c) Raul Endymion.
(d) A. Bettik.

5. Who is the first to be resurrected in Pacem?
(a) Captain Jonis.
(b) Father Victor.
(c) Captain Herrig.
(d) Father Captain de Soya.

6. Who is given the name of the One Who Teaches?
(a) Nemes.
(b) Aenea.
(c) Raul.
(d) A. Bettik.

7. Where is de Soya when he awakens in Chapter 16?
(a) The Saint Peter Akira.
(b) The Saint.
(c) The Thomas Akira.
(d) The Saint Thomas Akira.

8. Who is successfully resurrected in Chapter 7?
(a) Father Vandrose.
(b) Father Vinny.
(c) Father Vandrisee.
(d) Father Victor.

9. According to history, what is said to have happened to Old Earth?
(a) It split in half.
(b) It was swallowed by a black hole.
(c) It vanished.
(d) It disintegrated.

10. What is Raul surprised to discover in Chapter 4?
(a) He is taken aboard a ship.
(b) He does die.
(c) He does not die.
(d) He is asked to become a soldier.

11. Who is requested to destroy the Pax and topple the church?
(a) Herrig.
(b) A. Bettik.
(c) Raul.
(d) The Pope.

12. Who wrote the famous Cantos poem?
(a) Midge Silus.
(b) Matthew Silenus.
(c) Martha Silenus.
(d) Martin Silenus.

13. Where did Aenea disappear?
(a) The Valley of the Tombs.
(b) The Valley of the Time Tombs.
(c) The Tombs of Death.
(d) The Tombs of Life.

14. If de Soya stuns Aenea and her crew, Aenea warns him that ____________.
(a) He will lose his papal diskey.
(b) He will also stun the ship.
(c) He will be killed.
(d) He will kill them.

15. What is de Soya summoned to face in Chapter 28?
(a) Crucifiction.
(b) A State Review.
(c) A Board Review.
(d) A cruciform implantation.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gregorious kill/stun?

2. Where is the narrator when speaking to readers in Chapter 1?

3. What has kept Silenus alive for over 300 years?

4. Where does Raul find himself to be when awakening in Chapter 4?

5. Which word best describes Aenea's ship?

(see the answer keys)

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