Elective Affinities; Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 197 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elective Affinities; Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 197 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What gift do Charlotte and Ottilie give the architect?
(a) An engraved goblet.
(b) A waistcoat.
(c) A pair of drafter's compasses.
(d) A pair of gloves.

2. What tragedy results from Ottilie's decision to go against what she knows is safe?
(a) Otto drowns in the lake.
(b) Otto is killed by wolves.
(c) Otto is crushed in a fall.
(d) Otto is accidentally poisoned.

3. Upon what, to Ottilie, does her future rest?
(a) Charlotte's decision regarding Eduard's plan.
(b) Her calling to care for Otto.
(c) The strength of Eduard's love for her.
(d) Her own courage and strength of will.

4. What is Ottilie's relationship with the architect like?
(a) She treats him as if he were her elder brother.
(b) She disagrees with him about crucial design elements.
(c) She easily gets frustrated with his incompetence.
(d) She is madly in love with him.

5. What faux pas does the foreign visitor's companion notice?
(a) His friend has distinctly offended his host's family history.
(b) His friend mistranslated a normal word into a profanity.
(c) His friend has inadvertently saddened and tormented Ottilie.
(d) His friend has crossed an invisible cultural boundary.

6. What building does the architect persuade Charlotte to restore?
(a) The stables.
(b) The church.
(c) The pavilion.
(d) The boathouse.

7. What is the house guest's suggested remedy for children who do not follow in their parents' footsteps?
(a) Punishing the child until he or she agrees to be like his or her parents.
(b) Making the child an equal partner in the parent's endeavors.
(c) Threatenting to disown the child unless he or she capitulates.
(d) Allowing the child to follow his or her own unique path in life.

8. What creatures does Luciane find amusing?
(a) Cockatiels.
(b) Elephants.
(c) Monkeys.
(d) Dogs.

9. What, in general, describes Luciane's personality?
(a) She is energetic and attractive but can be annoying and ignorant of others' desires or needs.
(b) She is highly intelligent and beautiful and has a soft, compliant personality.
(c) She is reticent and argumentative, and people find her hard to get along with.
(d) She is overly critical of everybody, directly to their faces.

10. Why is Charlotte agitated by the foreign visitor's tale?
(a) She wonders whether something like the story will happen to her.
(b) She finds the use of humor in the story to be in bad taste.
(c) She knows that the true story behind the tale involved the Captain.
(d) She feels that the visitor told the tale to deliberately upset her.

11. What is the general substance of Ottilie's second journal entry?
(a) The dichotomy of good and evil.
(b) The transience of ownership of art.
(c) The state of Charlotte's marriage.
(d) Her love for Eduard.

12. What event endangers the protagonists of the story?
(a) A carriage robbery.
(b) A blazing house fire.
(c) A river yacht crash.
(d) An attempted murder.

13. Who "shudders in horror" at the tragedy and why?
(a) Charlotte because she cannot even imagine the tragedy.
(b) The Major because he sees his own likeness in the dead child.
(c) Ottilie because she feels she is at fault for the tragedy.
(d) Eduard because he knows Ottilie may have died too.

14. Which representation of an artistic work results in the most applause for Luciane?
(a) Handel's "Messiah."
(b) Mozart's "The Magic Flute."
(c) Jan Vermeer's "Girl with a Pearl Earring."
(d) Gerald Terborch's "Instruction Paternelle."

15. Which character comes more into the forefront of Charlotte and Ottilie's life after Eduard's departure?
(a) The architect.
(b) The gardener.
(c) The mason.
(d) The parson.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the wake of the tragedy, what is Charlotte and Ottilie's relationship with each other like?

2. What are Eduard's plans for Charlotte's future?

3. What proposition does Eduard make to the Major?

4. How does Eduard's part in the story end?

5. Who had encouraged the house guest to come to the estate?

(see the answer keys)

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