Elective Affinities; Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 197 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elective Affinities; Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 197 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When is the only time Ottilie does not take Otto with her?
(a) When she tidies up her wing of the house.
(b) When she walks into town.
(c) When she strolls through the woods.
(d) When she rows out on the lake.

2. What activity of Luciane's, meant to amuse the company, ends up with Luciane looking foolish?
(a) Her idea of a game that involves the whole company.
(b) Her performance on the guitar and her accompanying singing.
(c) Her arguments in a carefully staged debate.
(d) Her dance performance in which she is accompanied by a harpist.

3. What is the general substance of Ottilie's second journal entry?
(a) The state of Charlotte's marriage.
(b) Her love for Eduard.
(c) The transience of ownership of art.
(d) The dichotomy of good and evil.

4. What signal does Eduard arrange with the Major to notify him of his plan's success?
(a) A messenger boy sent on a horse.
(b) Cannon fire or fireworks.
(c) Smoke signals from a fire on the ridge.
(d) The shrill blast of a trumpet.

5. What gift do Charlotte and Ottilie give the architect?
(a) An engraved goblet.
(b) A pair of drafter's compasses.
(c) A pair of gloves.
(d) A waistcoat.

6. What is the premise of the story told by the foreign visitor?
(a) Two young people who are incompatible as youths find themselves attracted to one another as they become adults.
(b) A young peasant feels he is destined to marry a fine lady, and he accomplishes seemingly impossible tasks in order to win her heart.
(c) A young couple spends many happy days together, but on the eve of their wedding tragedy strikes both of them.
(d) An elderly couple that gets pleasure by meddling in others' lives finds that it is prudent to mind one's own business.

7. What specific question of Eduard's is Ottilie able to answer with a nod in the affirmative?
(a) Would she would like to live with her great aunt?
(b) Will she consent to be Eduard's wife?
(c) Would she like to return to the boarding school?
(d) Would she like to go back to Charlotte?

8. What is the principle task of the household Ottilie has undertaken?
(a) Caring for Otto.
(b) Keeping the household monies.
(c) Organizing the serving staff.
(d) Answering all letters coming to the house.

9. What effect does the foreign visitor to the estate have on Ottilie, when he expounds upon the uselessness of over improving the land?
(a) Ottilie finds herself questioning her design sense.
(b) Ottilie feels offended by the man's presumption.
(c) Ottilie is disillusioned and in agony.
(d) Ottilie agrees wholeheartedly with the man.

10. What proposition does Eduard make to the Major?
(a) The Major should facilitate Eduard's kidnapping of and absconding with Ottilie.
(b) Eduard and Charlotte divorce so the Major can marry Charlotte and Eduard can marry Ottilie.
(c) The Major should pretend to love Charlotte, then ruthlessly abandon her to make her pay for her sins.
(d) Ottilie should become the object of the Major's direct amorous attentions in order to throw Charlotte off of Eduard's plan.

11. What is the nature of the solicitor's visit to Charlotte?
(a) The solicitor's errand is to serve Charlotte with a court summons from a merchant in the village.
(b) The solicitor comes to advise Charlotte with regards to her pending divorce from Eduard.
(c) The solicitor and his client disagree with Charlotte's decision to move the graves in the churchyard.
(d) The solicitor's client has decided to sue Charlotte for a large sum related to damaged property.

12. Whose appearance do the painted decorations of the restored building seem to have?
(a) Charlotte's.
(b) Luciane's.
(c) Nanni's.
(d) Ottilie's.

13. In the wake of the tragedy, what is Charlotte and Ottilie's relationship with each other like?
(a) They walk around in a daze never noticing each other.
(b) They appear reasonable and good willed, but cannot repair their friendship.
(c) They rekindle their friendship and grow even closer than before.
(d) They grow cold and distant, and they constantly plot against one another.

14. On which procession of people does the new house guest, who arrived during Ottilie's artistic activity, exercise his craft and calling?
(a) The company of the estate's housemaids.
(b) The group of street urchins that live in the village.
(c) The members of the local militia.
(d) The brigade of young gardeners.

15. What is Eduard's state of mind after Ottilie refuses to be his?
(a) He is in the grips of a frantic passion and is not thinking straight.
(b) He realizes he can have both Charlotte and Ottilie, so he is happy.
(c) He is contemplative and begins scheming his next move to win her.
(d) He suddenly sees his wrongs and his future clearly and calmly.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Ottilie react in the wake of the tragedy?

2. What decision does Ottilie make that breaks her usual care and good sense?

3. What faux pas does the foreign visitor's companion notice?

4. How does Ottilie respond to Luciane's arrival?

5. How does Ottilie respond to Eduard's note?

(see the answer keys)

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