Either/Or Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Either/Or Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. If the the young man fails his wife, who does the author say will punish him?
(a) The author says the Danish marriage police will punish the young man.
(b) The author says the state will punish the young man.
(c) The author says his wife will punish the young man.
(d) The author says the young man will punish himself.

2. What does the author accuse the young man of having become?
(a) A liar.
(b) A prostitute.
(c) A thief.
(d) A critic.

3. According to the author, of what can the mystic not be absolved?
(a) A certain exclusivity in his relationship with others.
(b) Harboring anger toward his brother.
(c) Harboring lust in his heart.
(d) A certain obtrusiveness in his relationship to God.

4. What concept does the author of the letter introduce at the beginning of this section?
(a) The concept of relativity.
(b) The concept of bilocation.
(c) The concept of moral accountability.
(d) The concept of Either/Or.

5. What kind of person does the author say the young man is like?
(a) A deaf person.
(b) A mute person.
(c) A dying person.
(d) A flying person.

Short Answer Questions

1. The author says he would rather have a murder on his conscience than what?

2. What does the author say concerns the young man?

3. What is the married man's most dangerous enemy according to the author?

4. If one can "lose the whole world" without damaging one's soul, the author of the letter asserts, then what must "one's soul" prove to be?

5. What is everyone born with a penchant for according to the author?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the author dislike about philosophy?

2. Describe the folktale about Roland's three squires.

3. What advice does the author give the young man about despair?

4. How does the author describe his depression?

5. What are the advantages of the ethical theory of talent as opposed to the aesthetic theory of talent?

6. What is the relationship between the ethical and the aesthetic?

7. What is the author's definition of the ethical?

8. How may talent become a hindrance to the enjoyment of life, according to the author?

9. What does the author write about "the Moment"?

10. What "gift of grace" does the author say he would add to those listed in the bible?

(see the answer keys)

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