Either/Or Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Either/Or Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the ethical according to the author?
(a) The ethical is a mystery that is fundamentally unknowable.
(b) The ethical is that by which a person spontaneously is what he is.
(c) The ethical is that by which a person becomes what he becomes.
(d) The ethical is that with which a person punishes a person who misbehaves.

2. What phrase does the young man fling about according to the author?
(a) "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
(b) "Too many cooks spoil the broth."
(c) "It takes one to know one."
(d) "It is not the given that is great, but the acquired."

3. What does the author assert is more important than cultivating one's mind?
(a) Developing one's personality.
(b) Gathering wealth.
(c) Cultivating one's garden.
(d) Traveling widely.

4. What relationship does the author assert between the substance one uses to become intoxicated and how difficult the habit of intoxicating oneself is to cure?
(a) The finer the substance one uses to become intoxicated the more difficult the habit is to cure.
(b) There is no relationship between the substance one uses to become intoxicated and how difficult the habit of intoxicating oneself is to cure.
(c) It is easier to overcome being intoxicated by black substances than by white.
(d) The cheaper the substance one uses to become intoxicated the harder the habit is to cure.

5. What is a moment that is more significant than everything else in the entire world according to the author?
(a) Getting married.
(b) Becoming conscious in one's eternal validity.
(c) Taking in a sunset.
(d) Thoroughly enjoying a great party.

6. What capacity of the soul does the author say is missing in the young man?
(a) Wit.
(b) Logic.
(c) Imagination.
(d) Memory of his life.

7. How does the concept the author mentions act on him?
(a) It spurs his will to action.
(b) It fills his soul with peace.
(c) It makes him quite angry.
(d) It makes him exceedingly earnest.

8. The author asserts that making a good choice does not depend so much on deliberation as on what?
(a) A learning of correctness.
(b) Just doing what one feels.
(c) A baptism of the will.
(d) What others wish for one to do.

9. What does the author accuse the young man of having become?
(a) A thief.
(b) A prostitute.
(c) A critic.
(d) A liar.

10. What is the author's attitude toward scholarship?
(a) The author despises scholarship.
(b) The author is utterly devoted to scholarship.
(c) The author respects scholarship.
(d) The author is amused by scholarship.

11. What does the author say an aesthetic representation requires?
(a) Lots of money.
(b) A beautiful picture frame.
(c) Lots of laughter.
(d) Concentration on the moment.

12. What does Either/Or represent?
(a) An album of music.
(b) The capital of Denmark.
(c) Marital fidelity.
(d) Choice in human life.

13. Wherein is contained the whole wisdom of life according to the author?
(a) In sensual pleasure.
(b) In marital commitment.
(c) In religious duty.
(d) In Either/Or.

14. To what does he assert he sacrifices his life?
(a) All of these.
(b) To his children.
(c) To his wife.
(d) To his work.

15. What path does nature take according to the author?
(a) The widest path.
(b) The hilliest path.
(c) The shortest path.
(d) The longest path.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the author call the young man's condition of despair?

2. Why does the author say the young man is afraid of continuity?

3. According to the author, what is love itself?

4. What does the author say happens to people who deceive others for an extended period?

5. In what does the author say the young man is prolific?

(see the answer keys)

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