Either/Or Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Either/Or Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the author, what happens to the value of an original, or first, thing if it may be repeated?
(a) The value increases.
(b) The value remains the same.
(c) The first thing never had any value.
(d) The value decreases.

2. Who is the only person who has gained everything according to the author?
(a) The person who has laughed at the faults of another.
(b) The person who has gained everything in the world.
(c) The person who has lost everything in the world.
(d) The person who has laughed at his faults.

3. What aspect of love does the author say is momentary?
(a) The tender aspect.
(b) The romantic aspect.
(c) The hateful aspect.
(d) The sensuous aspect.

4. What does the author say can crush the aesthetic in a human being?
(a) A Man.
(b) An act of cruelty.
(c) Nothing can crush the aesthetic in a human being.
(d) A Woman.

5. What system does the author say he observed while he was a guest in the home of a young married couple?
(a) The secrecy system.
(b) The silent system.
(c) The fairness system.
(d) The Stanislavsky system.

6. To what kind of wedding ceremony does the author of the letter refer?
(a) A Danish Lutheran ceremony.
(b) A Roman Catholic ceremony.
(c) A Presbyterian ceremony.
(d) A United Methodist ceremony.

7. In addition to having a priority in itself, what other quality does marital love possess according to the author?
(a) Profligacy.
(b) Ephemerality.
(c) Constancy.
(d) Uncertainty.

8. What is the first subject Kierkegaard discusses?
(a) Passion.
(b) Marriage.
(c) Hatred.
(d) Friendship.

9. What character in opera does the author say embodies the state preceding love?
(a) Tristan in TRISTAN AND ISOLDE.
(b) Don Giovanni in DON GIOVANNI.
(c) Wotan in THE RING CYCLE.
(d) Page in FIGARO.

10. Who is the only one who has a true conception of who he is according to the author?
(a) The man who meditates on mountain tops.
(b) The man who loves.
(c) The man who can fight.
(d) The man who is self-sufficient.

11. What creature sends the author into "reverie"?
(a) The catfish.
(b) The tiger.
(c) The jellyfish.
(d) The elephant.

12. What occasion caused the young man to fume according to the author?
(a) A funeral.
(b) A Mayday party.
(c) A birthday party.
(d) A church wedding.

13. Who does Kirkegaard explain the letter was intended for?
(a) A young man.
(b) Bathsheba.
(c) Nathan.
(d) Joel.

14. From whom does King David hear a parable?
(a) The prophet Habbakuk.
(b) The prophet Joel.
(c) The prophet Nathan.
(d) The prophet Ezra.

15. What does the author claim Martin Luther said a Christian has never died of?
(a) Unkindness.
(b) Cholera.
(c) Typhoid.
(d) Hunger.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does first love not need according to the author?

2. Between what two types of doubt does the author say it is important to distinguish?

3. According to the author of the letter, to what does a religious person refer everything?

4. What is the one the thing the author says he thanks God for?

5. According to the author, what is the lifeblood of marriage?

(see the answer keys)

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