The Doors of Perception, and Heaven and Hell Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Doors of Perception, and Heaven and Hell Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What, according to the author, breaks the silence in which schizophrenics exist?
(a) The gibbering of ghosts.
(b) Divine intervention.
(c) The occasional heartfelt words of a loved one.
(d) Their own screams.

2. According to the author, what is the setting of Gericault's painting "The Derby"?
(a) Hell.
(b) A small Spanish town.
(c) The Midwest.
(d) Heaven.

3. Who wrote the biography about Carlyle?
(a) Dr. Margaret Blythe.
(b) Dr. James Halliday.
(c) Dr. Jesse Marcel.
(d) Dr. Jonah Suthers.

4. What was the subject of the Delacroix painting the author mentions in Appendix 5?
(a) A small girl in a blue dress.
(b) A mountainous landscape.
(c) The corner of a room.
(d) A close-up of bark, leaves and flowers.

5. According to the author, where do the mentally-ill people discussed at the beginning of Appendix 6 spend their time?
(a) In Heaven.
(b) None of these places.
(c) On Earth.
(d) In Hell.

6. What does the author note about the background of Gericault's "The Derby"?
(a) It is very dark.
(b) It doesn't match the tone of the painting and its subjects.
(c) It is too light.
(d) It is unnaturally colored.

7. The first painter mentioned in Appendix IV was the appointed artist to the king of what nation?
(a) England.
(b) Spain.
(c) France.
(d) Portugal.

8. Who is mentioned in Appendix 5 as the artist who painted "Dell in Helmingham Park"?
(a) Van Gogh.
(b) Millais.
(c) Constable.
(d) Monet.

9. What does the author call humans, at the end of Appendix 8?
(a) "Automata."
(b) "Seductive demons."
(c) "Machines built of flesh."
(d) "Clockwork dummies."

10. What is the title of the biography written about Carlyle?
(a) "Mr Carlyle, my Patient."
(b) "Carlyle: Man and Author."
(c) "The Delusional Cartographer."
(d) "A Study on Psychosis."

11. The author compares Carlyle to what other artist?
(a) Gericault.
(b) Renee.
(c) Da Vinci.
(d) Wordsworth.

12. Upon what evidence does the author base his comparison of a schizophrenic's experiences?
(a) The stories told to him by a psychotic friend.
(b) His own experience with drugs.
(c) Descriptions given by ancient religions.
(d) Journal entries he wrote during his own psychotic break.

13. What is the last sentence in Appendix 8?
(a) "If being a visionary makes me psychotic, then I gladly will be so."
(b) "Beware the pendula."
(c) "I have nothing to fear but everything."
(d) "The robots are nothing if not versatile."

14. The author discusses the history of what type of ideas at the end of Appendix 6?
(a) Theological.
(b) Eschatological.
(c) Psychological.
(d) Physiological.

15. What does the world inhabited by schizophrenics and other psychotics resemble, according to the author?
(a) The world of the dead.
(b) A psychedelic fugue.
(c) A sane person's nervous breakdown.
(d) The spirits seen by a psychic.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happened to La Tour's reputation as a result of the rise of the new Art of Versailles?

2. What is the author's complaint about the colors used in "Raft of the Medusa"?

3. What was the style of the new Art of Versailles, according to the author?

4. Where was Gericault when he saw the horse that inspired him to paint "Officiers de Chasseurs"?

5. What does the author say at the end of Appendix 7 about how Gericault's paintings looked in the artist's mind?

(see the answer keys)

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