The Doors of Perception, and Heaven and Hell Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Doors of Perception, and Heaven and Hell Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Upon what evidence does the author base his estimation of the way in which Gericault saw the world?
(a) The accounts of Gericault's friends.
(b) The desperate tenor of Gericault's paintings.
(c) Journals and letters written by Gericault himself.
(d) The uneasiness the author felt when looking at Gericault's work.

2. What "divine tautology" is expressed by the subjects of great nature art, according to the author?
(a) "I am whatever you think I am."
(b) "I think, therefore I am."
(c) "To be or not to be."
(d) "I am that I am."

3. What happened to La Tour's reputation as a result of the rise of the new Art of Versailles?
(a) He became even more famous and well-known.
(b) He was forced to change his style to remain popular.
(c) He was forgotten, and his works were attributed to other artists.
(d) His reputation didn't change, but his fans were more loyal than ever.

4. Gericault claimed that when he started to paint a woman, it turned into what?
(a) A lion.
(b) A succubus.
(c) A demon.
(d) A tree.

5. How did Carlyle feel when he walked down a crowded street?
(a) Afraid.
(b) Isolated.
(c) Confused.
(d) Exultant.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the subject of the Delacroix painting the author mentions in Appendix 5?

2. What does the author specifically state in Appendix 6 does NOT open the doors of heaven, hell, and limbo?

3. To what does Carlyle compare the universe?

4. What is the subject of most of La Tour's paintings?

5. What do schizophrenics share with other psychotics, according to the author?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to the author, in what state do schizophrenics spend most of their time?

2. What is unique about La Tour's style of painting?

3. What comment does the author make at the end of Appendix 4 regarding La Tour's personal character?

4. To what does the author compare the world inhabited by schizophrenics in Appendix 6?

5. How does the author introduce Georges de La Tour in Appendix 4?

6. Who is James Halliday?

7. What does the author mean when he calls La Tour an "extroverted visionary"?

8. What literary allusions does the author make near the end of Appendix 6 regarding schizophrenics?

9. What phrase does the author use to describe Gericault at the beginning of Appendix 7, and what does it mean?

10. According to the author, how did Gericault see the world?

(see the answer keys)

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