Dicey's Song Test | Final Test - Easy

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Dicey's Song Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the question from Mina that Dicey stands mute and will not answer?
(a) Mina asks the name of the person who helped Dicey write the essay.
(b) Mina asks if Dicey is a relative of the person described in the essay.
(c) Mina asks if the person described is someone Dicey knows.
(d) Mina asks did Dicey write the essay herself.

2. As they walk, what does Mina blurt out, then immediately regret?
(a) Mina tells Dicey the races do not mix well in this part of the state.
(b) Mina asks Dicey if the subject of the essay was Dicey's mother.
(c) Mina tells Dicey people with emotional issues are weak.
(d) Mina says the townspeople are prejudiced.

3. Which parts of the home economics teacher's explanation capture Dicey's interest?
(a) Meal preparation for guests such as Mr. Lingerle.
(b) Sewing and repair of garments to save buying new.
(c) Wool knitting to make clothes for the kids.
(d) None, Dicey pays no attention and spends the time thinking about Sammy.

4. What is it that gives Dicey the feeling she is always off balance?
(a) Trying to follow the advice to hold on to people when she only has the two hands.
(b) James is growing up fast and strong to challenge Dicey at every turn.
(c) Balancing school, home chores and store work can be overwhelming.
(d) Maybeth's progress is always a distraction in Dicey's thoughts.

5. What advice from Gram does Dicey recall when Mina becomes defensive?
(a) Better to say nothing than to say a lie.
(b) You cannot reach out with a clenched hand.
(c) Too many questions leads to too few answers.
(d) Time passes faster than the past.

6. What does Jeff order and seem to know about when he comes to the market?
(a) Cooking supplies.
(b) Sugar and flour.
(c) Meats.
(d) Canned vegetables

7. What does James offer as proof that Maybeth is making progress?
(a) Maybeth understands the silly jokes in her easy reader book.
(b) Maybeth can verbally summarize what she has just read.
(c) Maybeth does not use word lists any longer, she can now sit with a book.
(d) Maybeth can later recall and describe what she has read previously.

8. After dinner as they sit by the fire, what is Gram's advice to Dicey?
(a) Teachers are trained to be critical so pay no heed.
(b) School passes quickly and is not the real world at all.
(c) You have to reach out to people, especially family, and not just let them struggle.
(d) People can be cruel and uncaring about others feelings.

9. What is Dicey's reaction when Jeff comes in to the market?
(a) Dicey is smiling and happy to see Jeff.
(b) Dicey goes to the back room to avoid talking to Jeff.
(c) Dicey is unresponsive to Jeff's attempt at friendly conversation.
(d) Dicey intentionally stands where Jeff does not see her.

10. What does the group do after Thanksgiving dinner?
(a) All agree to play board games in the living room.
(b) Each picks a comfortable spot in the living room and all nap a while.
(c) All take a walk together through the marsh down to the bay.
(d) Each picks a comfortable spot in the living room and tells stories.

11. What is the surprise trip Gram tells Dicey to prepare for immediately?
(a) Dicey is told she is going to Provincetown to meet Momma.
(b) Dicey is told she is going to Boston with Gram.
(c) Dicey is told she is going to Salisbury with Millie.
(d) Dicey is told she is going to Bridgeport with Gram.

12. What becomes a topic of conversation during dinner?
(a) Family heirloom silver that was passed down from bootlegger ancestors.
(b) Thanksgiving dinners of previous years.
(c) The changes in town since Gram was a child.
(d) Cooking methods for turkey and chickens.

13. What is Gram's reaction to the suggestion she is a social oddball?
(a) Gram says how she lives her life is nobody's business.
(b) Gram says people have always liked and socialized with her.
(c) Gram says she is the same as most people that live in the area.
(d) Gram says people have never gossiped about her or her family.

14. What does the doctor say to Dicey that provokes her anger and grief?
(a) He tells her Momma is a poor role model that has not taken care of herself.
(b) He tells her Momma will not be feeling better for at least one year.
(c) He assures Dicey it is better for her mother to die.
(d) He tells her that Momma has an uncooperative personality.

15. What is Mr Chappelle's comment to Dicey as she leaves the classroom?
(a) He apologizes and says he will correct her grades.
(b) He tells her she can make up for the fail grade next semester.
(c) He tells her she cannot continue in class until she answers all questions.
(d) He tells her he will call Gram about the essay.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who stops to talk a moment about school as Dicey is washing the market windows?

2. What is the big change Dicey sees in herself since she and Gram left Maryland?

3. When Mina and Dicey talk about plans for a personal future, what are Dicey's plans?

4. What is Millie's reaction to Jeff's visit to the market?

5. How does the home ec teacher explain the importance of the course?

(see the answer keys)

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