Dicey's Song Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dicey's Song Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After staying at the motel for the night, where do Gram and Dicey go in the morning?
(a) They go to the pastor's meeting at the hall.
(b) They go to the hospital where Momma has been living.
(c) They go shopping for Christmas gifts.
(d) They go to meet the director of the new school.

2. What is the class reaction when Mr. Chappelle concludes reading Dicey's essay?
(a) Uncomfortable silence followed by random speaking out.
(b) Impatience about getting all the essays passed out.
(c) Laughter and comments of praise.
(d) No one seems to be paying attention.

3. What is it that gives Dicey the feeling she is always off balance?
(a) Balancing school, home chores and store work can be overwhelming.
(b) James is growing up fast and strong to challenge Dicey at every turn.
(c) Trying to follow the advice to hold on to people when she only has the two hands.
(d) Maybeth's progress is always a distraction in Dicey's thoughts.

4. What does Jeff order and seem to know about when he comes to the market?
(a) Canned vegetables
(b) Sugar and flour.
(c) Cooking supplies.
(d) Meats.

5. What does Gram tell Dicey to do with the money she hands to her?
(a) Go get decent take out food for Gram, Liza and herself.
(b) Go Christmas shopping for the kids.
(c) Go buy Liza new winter boots.
(d) Go put this in Liza's account.

6. What are Dicey's thoughts about her grade for home ec?
(a) The next semester was probably going to be easier material.
(b) The next semester was certainly going to be harder material.
(c) She did not try hard, but had attended all the classes and did the work requested.
(d) The teacher has given Dicey a break because Dicey is new to the school.

7. What is the question from Mina that Dicey stands mute and will not answer?
(a) Mina asks if the person described is someone Dicey knows.
(b) Mina asks did Dicey write the essay herself.
(c) Mina asks the name of the person who helped Dicey write the essay.
(d) Mina asks if Dicey is a relative of the person described in the essay.

8. What does Dicey think is the most important aspect of an essay?
(a) Topic sentences that give each part meaning to the whole.
(b) The comments about punctuation because it always counts on the next essay.
(c) The grade is the only important part.
(d) The teacher notes because that gives all the clues on how to improve a grade.

9. What does Gram harshly tell Dicey will happen if Dicey does not follow Gram's advice?
(a) If you are too emotional, you become too weak to function.
(b) If you do not care about others you will become bitter.
(c) If you do not let go it can make you crazy.
(d) If you do not provide for yourself, others will dominate you.

10. What is Dicey's reaction to Mr. Chappelle's comments as she leaves the room?
(a) Tears well in her eyes as she keeps walking.
(b) Dicey stops and glares at him until he turns away from her.
(c) Dicey does not react because what he says does not matter.
(d) Dicey drops her bookbag and runs from the room.

11. What is clear to Dicey when see sees Momma?
(a) Momma seems to have an inner tranquility.
(b) Momma is dying.
(c) Momma has trouble expressing her thoughts.
(d) Momma has gained some weight and looks better.

12. What does Dicey decide to spend her own money to buy?
(a) Magazine subscription for James.
(b) Guitar music book for Jeff.
(c) Leather gloves for Gram.
(d) New loafers for Gram.

13. What is Sammy's reaction when Jeff offers Dicey and Sammy a ride home in his car?
(a) Sammy is belligerent and rude.
(b) Sammy is very excited about riding in Jeff's car.
(c) Sammy turns and walks away without any comment.
(d) Sammy becomes very still and nervous.

14. What does the group do after Thanksgiving dinner?
(a) Each picks a comfortable spot in the living room and tells stories.
(b) All take a walk together through the marsh down to the bay.
(c) Each picks a comfortable spot in the living room and all nap a while.
(d) All agree to play board games in the living room.

15. What does James offer as proof that Maybeth is making progress?
(a) Maybeth can later recall and describe what she has read previously.
(b) Maybeth can verbally summarize what she has just read.
(c) Maybeth does not use word lists any longer, she can now sit with a book.
(d) Maybeth understands the silly jokes in her easy reader book.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Millie's reaction to singing and guitar playing in the store?

2. As Dicey concludes talking with the man, what decision does she make?

3. What are Dicey's thoughts about her grade for English?

4. Who is it the family reaches out to and invites to Thanksgiving dinner?

5. Who is the person that shows up on Saturday as a surprise when Dicey is working on the boat?

(see the answer keys)

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