Dicey's Song Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dicey's Song Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Gram's announcement that pleases the children?
(a) The children are moving to Boston to be close to mother.
(b) Their father is living nearby in New York.
(c) Gram intends to legally adopt the children.
(d) The four children will not have to separate.

2. What has happened to Maybeth that brings her to uncontrollable sobbing?
(a) Her friends have been stealing from her lunch money.
(b) The other kids will not talk to her or sit near her on the bus.
(c) The other girls make fun of her clothes and hair.
(d) Her classmates laughed at her poor reading skills and the teacher could not control them.

3. While doing homework together, what does Dicey learn is troubling James about his classmates?
(a) His classmates are socially mean and overbearing toward James.
(b) His class mates are lazy underachievers with no direction.
(c) His classmates are all smarter than James.
(d) His classmates are smart, but not like him; he does not fit in.

4. Who is softly playing at the piano keys after dinner trying to harmonize a song tune?
(a) James.
(b) Dicey.
(c) Gram.
(d) Maybeth.

5. What is Dicey's reaction when the children go to bed without saying goodnight to her?
(a) She is upset at being slighted by the children's behavior.
(b) She feels left out as a part of their daily routine.
(c) She is proud the children are showing some independence.
(d) She is irritated at Gram for taking over supervision of the children.

6. What specific words in the song Dicey hears cause her to stop and concentrate for the meaning?
(a) Cannot find the ways
(b) Time to start anew
(c) All such days are done.
(d) A coat of many colors.

7. What is Gram's suggestion to Dicey concerning the teacher note?
(a) Gram will ask the lawyer to contact the teacher.
(b) Gram has already planned to go meet the teacher the next day.
(c) Maybeth will stay home from school the next day.
(d) Gram will meet with the teacher at the end of term.

8. After lunch, what do Gram and Dicey conclude should be advice to Sammy about school?
(a) Dicey will tell Sammy he has to spend more time reading.
(b) Dicey will tell Sammy to loosen up and be himself, he does not have to be perfect.
(c) Dicey will tell Sammy he will soon have a tutor.
(d) Dicey will tell Sammy his attitude at school has to improve.

9. What is Dicey thinking about as she lies relaxing under the tree?
(a) Thanksgiving.
(b) The long previous summer of travel.
(c) Christmas.
(d) High school.

10. What is Gram's reaction to the offer of a ride to town for her and Dicey?
(a) Gram becomes a little weepy and sniffles because of the kindness.
(b) Gram is not pleased because she does not like to be helped.
(c) Gram declines the offer and insists the boat will do fine.
(d) Gram smiles and gratefully accepts the offer.

11. What is Dicey's reaction as Gram silently reads the long letter?
(a) Dicey is angry at her father.
(b) Dicey is angry at James.
(c) Dicey is impatient and fidgety.
(d) Dicey is happy for Maybeth.

12. What does Dicey think about Mina trying to be friendly?
(a) Maybe others will follow the example set by Mina.
(b) Mina has too many friends to care anything about Dicey.
(c) Mina is not a worthy person.
(d) The more a person knows about her, they have a kind of hold on her.

13. What is Gram's advice to Dicey as they conclude talking about Maybeth's note?
(a) Dicey is not old enough to truly understand responsibility.
(b) Dicey should not think so much about the other kids.
(c) Dicey needs to give Maybeth room to grow.
(d) Dicey has done a good job being responsible and should now take a rest.

14. What is it that distracts Dicey as she hurries from the school to the bike rack?
(a) Dicey imagines Gram sitting on the wall staring at the sky.
(b) Dicey notices a boy and a girl from a higher grade kissing behind the school.
(c) Dicey sees a boy playing a guitar on a wall behind the school.
(d) Dicey notices a group of town girls and boys huddled together behind the school.

15. What sort of chore work does Dicey welcome to keep her focused on her project?
(a) Cutting and shaping.
(b) Polishing and shining.
(c) Scraping and painting.
(d) Separating and cleaning moving parts.

Short Answer Questions

1. What thought occurs to Dicey as she watches James try to calm Maybeth?

2. What is the subject of the meeting with Maybeth's music teacher?

3. What is the outcome of the meeting with the music teacher concerning Maybeth?

4. What thought occurs to Dicey when James shows the family Bible with the names of Gram's children written inside?

5. What is Gram's matter of fact statement concerning the kids?

(see the answer keys)

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