One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What causes the delay of the trip?
(a) A fight in the ward
(b) Bad weather
(c) Nurse Ratched
(d) Only one of McMurphy's friends show up

2. Who helps McMurphy beat up the aides?
(a) George
(b) Harding
(c) Chief Bromden
(d) Scanlon

3. Who is found wrapped in sheets like a mummy?
(a) Harding
(b) McMurphy
(c) Mr. Turkle
(d) Billy

4. What does McMurphy want the item in #98 for?
(a) To see a 'twitch' he once knew
(b) To get a better view
(c) To smoke
(d) To look nicer

5. What's the name of the boat they rented?
(a) The Lark
(b) Candy's Craft
(c) The Bessie
(d) The Robin

6. Who is the woman in the white t-shirt and Levis?
(a) Candy
(b) Nurse Wilkins
(c) Sandy
(d) Big Nurse

7. Where does the basketball go after #106?
(a) It rips and is put into the supply closet
(b) It goes back to McMurphy
(c) It gets hidden
(d) It gets thrown into the trask

8. Who does McMurphy want to see?
(a) Candy Starr
(b) His dad
(c) Sandy
(d) Cheswick

9. What does McMurphy throw to the Chief?
(a) A magazine
(b) A book
(c) A pack fo chewing gum
(d) A cigarette

10. What does the Chief vow not to do?
(a) Scream or cry in front of McMurphy
(b) Close his eyes
(c) List to McMurphy again
(d) Walk away

11. How much money does McMurphy offer to the Chief as a result of #146?
(a) $5
(b) All he has
(c) Nothing
(d) $10

12. Who used to be a football player?
(a) Chief Bromden
(b) Doctor Spivey
(c) Billy
(d) Scanlon

13. What does the nurse give to McMurphy?
(a) A piece of paper
(b) Her phone number
(c) A cigarette
(d) A glass of water

14. What does Nurse Ratched use to begin to take down McMurphy?
(a) Negative group meeting sessions
(b) A punishment
(c) A rumor
(d) Her feminine charm

15. Who 'accidentally' throws the basketball through the nurse's window, breaking it for the third time?
(a) Martini
(b) Billy
(c) Harding
(d) McMurphy

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the class get broken?

2. What does McMurphy ask Nurse Ratched for?

3. When is the date as described in #143?

4. Who has a date with Candy Starr, as arranged by McMurphy?

5. Who has Billy been sleeping with?

(see the answer keys)

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