One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who kills McMurphy in the end, suffocating him with a pillow?
(a) Mr. Sefert
(b) Chief Bromden
(c) Scanlon
(d) Harding

2. Why does the class get broken?
(a) It was an accident
(b) The day pass is vetoed
(c) The building shakes
(d) The patients are playing a game

3. What does McMurphy do, even as they are hooking him up to the machines?
(a) Sing
(b) Flirt
(c) Dance
(d) Wink

4. What are the Chief and McMurphy handed before they go to EST?
(a) Red pills
(b) A bible
(c) Blue pills
(d) A piece of gum

5. Who stands a head taller than anyone else on the ward?
(a) McMurphy
(b) Billy Bibbit
(c) Nurse Ratched
(d) The Chief

6. What does McMurphy want the item in #98 for?
(a) To see a 'twitch' he once knew
(b) To look nicer
(c) To get a better view
(d) To smoke

7. What is the next excursion that McMurphy plans for the men?
(a) A trip to the bar
(b) An ice cream parlor trip
(c) A library visit
(d) A fishing trip

8. Where did McMurphy get a job picking beans?
(a) Spokane, Washington
(b) Portland, Oregon
(c) Eugene, Oregon
(d) Beaverton, Oregon

9. How much money does McMurphy offer to the Chief as a result of #146?
(a) Nothing
(b) $10
(c) $5
(d) All he has

10. Where does McMurphy say the men are traveling to when the gas attendant tries to charge extra for the gas?
(a) A new facility
(b) The loony bin
(c) Mexico
(d) San Quentin

11. What does the Chief vow not to do?
(a) Walk away
(b) Close his eyes
(c) Scream or cry in front of McMurphy
(d) List to McMurphy again

12. Who helps McMurphy beat up the aides?
(a) George
(b) Scanlon
(c) Chief Bromden
(d) Harding

13. Who says, "Never before did I realize that mental illness could have the aspect of power, power"?
(a) Scanlon
(b) Harding
(c) McMurphy
(d) The doctor

14. What is the night attendant doing to the Chief's bed?
(a) Taking it away
(b) Loosening the screws
(c) Moving it
(d) Scraping gum off the bottom

15. What is the color of the patients' uniforms?
(a) Green
(b) Black
(c) Blue
(d) Orange

Short Answer Questions

1. Who begins to flirt with the nurses?

2. Whose name is the last name of Chief Bromden?

3. What does the nurse give to Chief Bromden

4. Fill in the blank: 'When did they sneak that danged ________ in there? Why, that thing is a menace!"

5. How much did the men have to chip in each for the boat rent?

(see the answer keys)

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