The Country of the Pointed Firs Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Country of the Pointed Firs Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mrs. Blackett manage her advanced age?
(a) She walks with a cane.
(b) She has William to help her.
(c) She continues to live an active life.
(d) She worries that she is becoming senile.

2. Why does Mrs. Todd say she wants to pick herbs on the island where Mrs. Blackett lives?
(a) The herb she needs grows best on the island.
(b) To pass the time while waiting for dinner.
(c) So she can leave some with Mrs. Blackett.
(d) The herb she needs doesn't grow in Dunnett.

3. How does the town doctor feel about Mrs. Todd and her use of herbs?
(a) He feels that the two are rivals.
(b) The two are on the best of terms.
(c) He thinks her belief in the usefulness of herbs is foolish.
(d) He hopes he can cure some of the cases worsened her herbal remedies.

4. Where did the Captain's experience described in Chapter 5 take place?
(a) Near the South Pole.
(b) Along the coast of Canada.
(c) Near the North Pole.
(d) Near Greenland.

5. Who is Mrs. Blackett?
(a) Mrs. Todd's aunt.
(b) Mrs. Todd's mother.
(c) Mrs. Todd's mother-in-law.
(d) A friend of Mrs. Todd's.

6. What distracts the narrator from her work later in the day after the funeral procession?
(a) A visit from Captain Littlepage.
(b) The sheep in the schoolyard.
(c) A shopping trip.
(d) A visit from Mrs. Todd.

7. What did Gaffett and his companion discover after sailing away from the shipwreck?
(a) A town.
(b) More suvivors.
(c) An island.
(d) The ship's cargo.

8. What does the narrator do once she's left the house?
(a) She chats with Mrs. Todd.
(b) She takes the boat out.
(c) She goes out to explore the garden area.
(d) She goes out to explore the coastline.

9. What happened when Gaffett and his companion left "the waiting place"?
(a) The coastline disappeared.
(b) The animals watched as they moved out of sight.
(c) The townspeople seemed to taunt them.
(d) They worried that they would freeze.

10. What does the narrator say about Gaffett's experience?
(a) She says the stress of the shipwreck could have caused him to see apparitions.
(b) She asks if hunger could have caused him to see apparitions.
(c) She asks if Gaffett seemed like an honest man.
(d) She says that too much time at sea can cause hallucinations.

11. How would you characterize Mrs. Blackett's demeanor?
(a) Fearful.
(b) Fragile.
(c) Positive.
(d) Hopeful.

12. Where does the narrator first stay during her visit?
(a) In the schoolhouse.
(b) With Mrs. Begg.
(c) With Mrs. Todd.
(d) In a small, family-run hotel.

13. What offer does William make the narrator?
(a) He offers to make her some chowder.
(b) He offers to take her for a carriage ride.
(c) He offers to show her the island.
(d) He offers to take her back to Dunnett Landing.

14. What does Mrs. Todd need to get while visiting Mrs. Blackett?
(a) Tansy.
(b) Damania.
(c) Pennyroyal.
(d) Primrose.

15. Why didn't Mrs. Todd marry her first love?
(a) His mother didn't approve.
(b) He fell in love with someone else.
(c) She met and married Mr. Todd
(d) He died young.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the funeral procession for?

2. Who is Nathan?

3. How is Captain Littlepage dressed?

4. How does the narrator react to the relative isolation of Mrs. Todd's home after coming back from Mrs. Blackett's?

5. What does the narrator remember Mrs. Todd saying about Captain Littlepage?

(see the answer keys)

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