Cosmicomics Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cosmicomics Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where are the universes that the narrator sees as he falls?
(a) Very far away so he almost thinks they're illusions.
(b) Always above him as he falls away from them.
(c) So near he can almost touch them.
(d) All around, always near, but never crossing his path.

2. What weapon does Lieutenant Fenimore use against the narrator?
(a) A dart.
(b) A pistol.
(c) A baton.
(d) A sword.

3. How does the narrator see the shape of space?
(a) As a long curve that meets back with itself.
(b) As a complex shape of curves, indentations, and projections.
(c) As a jagged-edged zig-zag.
(d) As a long and smooth spiral.

4. For how long does Qfwfq say he was a dinosaur?
(a) About thirty million years.
(b) About eighty million years.
(c) About fifty million years.
(d) About a hundred million years.

5. What does Qfwfq identify as the first numbers to exist?
(a) The numbers i and 0.
(b) The numbers 0 and 1.
(c) The numbers pi and phi.
(d) The numbers e and pi.

6. What swarm of insects does the narrator describe flying through the air in the second part of the story, in the railway embankment scene?
(a) Mosquitoes.
(b) Butterflies.
(c) Bees.
(d) Flies.

7. What does the narrator say the sign "Tchk Tchk" refers to?
(a) The time he stopped a bully from beating up a child.
(b) The time he swerved and crashed his car to avoid hitting a dog.
(c) The time he gave a third of his salary to charity.
(d) The time he quit his job because they asked him to do something wrong.

8. What sign does the narrator see, when he looks up in anticipation of a reaction to the second event, of which he is proud?
(a) I missed it.
(b) Not at home.
(c) Oh, well.
(d) Tra-la-la-la.

9. What things do Qfwfq and Dean (k)yK lack at first that makes betting difficult?
(a) Other people to referree the bets and fix disputes.
(b) Senses to see the world around them with.
(c) Pencils and paper to track their bets.
(d) Symbols, money, and numbers.

10. What does the narrator describe the making of his shell as?
(a) Aggression, like punching outward.
(b) Expansion, like taking new territory.
(c) Pleading, like reaching out his hands.
(d) Self-expression, like an exclamation.

11. How far away is the galaxy where the narrator sees the sign?
(a) A hundred million light years.
(b) Fifty million light years.
(c) Ten million light years.
(d) A hundred and fifty million light years.

12. What does Qfwfq think of N'ba N'ga's way of speaking?
(a) He speaks in riddles that are difficult to understand.
(b) His singsong speech is annoying.
(c) His language is archaic.
(d) His interesting metaphors are enlightening.

13. Why is Lll more agile than Qfwfq?
(a) She has run races all her life.
(b) She was born on land.
(c) She is younger than Qfwfq.
(d) She has a new kind of knee joint.

14. To what does the narrator compare the paths of the characters' falls?
(a) Metal chains.
(b) Vines on a trellis.
(c) Lines of handwriting.
(d) Strands of hair.

15. What does Lll do after N'ba N'ga says that he could teach her to live in the water?
(a) She immediately jumps in the water.
(b) She gives N'ba N'ga a kiss.
(c) She laughs and runs off.
(d) She starts to cry.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the narrator first interact with a female?

2. What does Qfwfq predict will happen to stars?

3. What does Qfwfq discover when he goes to spy out the reported dinosaurs?

4. What sign does the narrator finally choose as his response to the first sign?

5. In the world millions of years later, where does the narrator see the image of the first female mollusk he interacts with?

(see the answer keys)

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