Confessions of Zeno Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Confessions of Zeno Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Zeno decide to give up on psychoanalysis?
(a) He finds a new doctor.
(b) He thinks the doctor is a quack.
(c) He thinks he is cured.
(d) He thinks the treatment made him worse.

2. In Chapter 6, why did Zeno leave the doctor's office smoking like a Turk?
(a) To prove the doctor wrong.
(b) To try the doctor's experiment.
(c) To defy the doctor.
(d) To re-educate himself.

3. How did Zeno usually treat Augusta during his affair with Carla?
(a) With hostility.
(b) Coldly.
(c) Like a sister.
(d) With his customary tenderness and affection.

4. Why did Zeno buy a music book for Carla?
(a) To express his genuine interest in her singing.
(b) To make himself feel better about approaching her.
(c) As an apology.
(d) Out of guilt.

5. Who was the fourth addition to the office Zeno shared with Guido?
(a) Olivi.
(b) A dog.
(c) Maria.
(d) A bird.

6. Why did Copler take Zeno to meet Carla?
(a) So that Zeno could admire her beauty.
(b) So that Zeno could advise Carla.
(c) In the hopes that meeting Carla would prompt Zeno to continue his contributions.
(d) Carla wished to meet one of her benefactors.

7. To what does Zeno usually attribute many of his shortcomings?
(a) Disease.
(b) Confusion.
(c) Injustice.
(d) A poor childhood.

8. What did Zeno think the first time Carla sang for him?
(a) He thought her voice lost its musical quality when she sang.
(b) He thought she had a voice made for lullabies.
(c) He thought he could sing better.
(d) He thought she had superior talent.

9. Where did Copler get the money to provide for Carla's support?
(a) From his financial advisor.
(b) From his own bank account.
(c) From his father.
(d) From his friends and other sympathetic people.

10. What was the state of Carla's virtue before Zeno's affair with her?
(a) She was a virgin.
(b) She'd been intimate with many men.
(c) She'd had one previous lover.
(d) She'd been uninterested in the opposite sex.

11. Why did Ada say Zeno was good?
(a) He always went home to his wife and children.
(b) He helped Guido for free.
(c) He stopped making passes at her.
(d) He loved Augusta.

12. Why didn't Guido want an office near the warehouse?
(a) He said they were too close to home.
(b) He didn't want his wife to drop by.
(c) He said they were too expensive.
(d) He said they smelled badly.

13. On Zeno's third visit to see Carla, why didn't he think of Augusta?
(a) He stopped loving her.
(b) He was angry with Augusta.
(c) He was angry with his father-in-law.
(d) He was feeling very passionate.

14. How did Zeno feel when he thought of Augusta taking a second husband?
(a) Frightened.
(b) Amused.
(c) Relieved.
(d) Jealous.

15. How does Zeno say Augusta changed his home?
(a) She made it warmer and more comfortable.
(b) She removed all of his favorite things.
(c) She chose unappealing furnishings.
(d) She added too many feminine touches.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who asked Zeno to join him in business?

2. Why did Zeno leave the office for an extended time?

3. Why did Ada visit the office unexpectedly?

4. What does Zeno do about smoking after ending his psychoanalysis sessions?

5. How many months did Zeno spend away from the office in Chapter 5?

(see the answer keys)

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