Close to Shore: The Terrifying Shark Attacks of 1916 Test | Final Test - Hard

Michael Capuzzo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Close to Shore: The Terrifying Shark Attacks of 1916 Test | Final Test - Hard

Michael Capuzzo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Close to Shore: The Terrifying Shark Attacks of 1916 Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. On July ________, 1916, Renny Cartan, Jr., his cousin Johnson Cartan, and some other friends took off for the swimming hole at the nearby creek.

2. The reporters had endless questions about what?

3. The man the reporters visited was director of what?

4. A lunar eclipse would be occurring on July _______ that year.

5. In most cases, white sharks dislike the taste of humans and do what?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did the boys react to Lester Stilwell being pull under by the shark? Was this a good idea? Why or why not?

2. What might have drawn the shark to the shark-patrol boat? Why?

3. How were New York and New Jersey's economies affected by this shark? How did the people of these states react to this? How did this lead to federal government efforts?

4. After the attack on Charles Bruder, what happened to the news regarding the shark? Why did this happen?

5. Describe what took place on July 7, 1916.

6. What led the shark to Matawan?

7. What did Coppleson think of the shark attacks of 1916? How does this compare to other beliefs at the time and beliefs today?

8. How was John Nichols finally forced to believe that sharks could be deadly to humans?

9. To what animal is a shark compared? How is this belief supported?

10. What did Fisher do to try to get Lester's body? How did this affect Fisher? Should he have done this? Why or why not?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

By the time the shark was caught, many feared swimming in the waters of the Atlantic.

Part 1) Describe the reaction to the news of the shark attacks at the beginning of this book. Why did people react this way? How did this reaction change over the course of the book? Why did it change?

Part 2) How was this fear of swimming in the Atlantic perpetuated for years after the shark was caught? Why were people so fearful after years with no attacks? Should they have been fearful? Why or why not?

Part 3) Should sharks be feared today? Why or why not? What can be done to protect both humans and sharks from each other? Is this being done? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 2

Many of the resorts along the Jersey shore wanted to keep their beaches open.

Part 1) What attempts were made to keep these beaches open? Were these good ideas? Why or why not? Should the beaches have been kept open? Why or why not?

Part 2) What other disasters might affect the economy of a beach community like the Jersey shore? How might those living in and visiting these communities deal with these disasters?

Part 3) When have communities or the government kept information from the general public to keep the economy from collapsing? How did this, in the end, affect the economy?

Essay Topic 3

This book begins with Charles Vansant swimming in the ocean.

Part 1) What feelings does this chapter evoke in the reader? How are these feelings continued throughout the book? What is the purpose of these feelings? How might these feelings influence the reader regarding his or her view of Great Whites?

Part 2) Why does the author choose to tell Charles' story in several chapters, separated by other chapters about sharks? What is the purpose of mixing stories of shark attacks with objective information about the life of a shark?

Part 3) How does the author seem to feel about sharks? Why might he feel this way? Use the book to support your response. How do you feel about sharks after reading this book? Why do you feel this way?

(see the answer keys)

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