Close to Shore: The Terrifying Shark Attacks of 1916 Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Capuzzo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Close to Shore: The Terrifying Shark Attacks of 1916 Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Capuzzo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Joseph Dunn, his brother Michael and their friend Jerry Hollohan in __________________, a community downstream from the town of Matawan, had missed the warnings and cut through the woods for a quick swim in the creek.
(a) Cliffwood.
(b) Cliffton.
(c) Clifford.
(d) Cliff Falls.

2. Renny jumped in the cool, dark waters but soon had what sensation?
(a) A strange sensation tearing across his leg.
(b) A strange sensation tearing across his chest.
(c) A sharp, stabbing pain in his leg.
(d) A sharp, stabbing pain in his side.

3. There was a report of a thirteen-foot tiger shark that was towed ashore while still alive regurgitating, among other items, what?
(a) A well-preserved human arm.
(b) A rubber tire.
(c) A squid.
(d) A small school of fish.

4. When the attacks stopped, Coppleson took it as what evidence?
(a) There were less humans in the water.
(b) The sharks were no longer interested in attacking humans.
(c) The attacks were by the same rogue shark that had either died or moved on.
(d) The sharks had all been killed.

5. How was Fisher able to fight against the shark?
(a) He was quick.
(b) He was brave.
(c) He was an athletically built man.
(d) He was smart.

6. Hearing about the attacks, ichthyologist John Nichols drove from New York City to the Matawan Creek. Where did he stop first?
(a) Renny's home.
(b) The constable's office.
(c) The mouth of the creek.
(d) The place where Renny was first scratched by the shark.

7. As the shark-patrol steered its motorboats back and forth, hunting for the shark, the shark was doing what?
(a) Picking up the many vibrations and sensations that the boats were causing.
(b) Heading south.
(c) Hunting for humans.
(d) Heading north.

8. What was wrong with the North Atlantic region for the shark?
(a) It was very cold.
(b) It had too many animals from which to choose.
(c) It was very warm.
(d) It did not offer him many food choices.

9. The great white can grow to _____________ feet or more and weigh several tons.
(a) Forty-five.
(b) Thirty.
(c) Twenty.
(d) Ten.

10. On July ________, 1916, Renny Cartan, Jr., his cousin Johnson Cartan, and some other friends took off for the swimming hole at the nearby creek.
(a) 15.
(b) 29.
(c) 11.
(d) 22.

11. The attack made the ________________ in the newspapers.
(a) Middle pages.
(b) Second pages.
(c) Headlines.
(d) Back pages.

12. What did Fisher set up so the boy's body wouldn't wash out to sea?
(a) A dam made from wood.
(b) A barrier of chicken wire down creek.
(c) A patrol of men to look for the body.
(d) A cage to catch the body.

13. Suddenly, Joseph was being pulled down by his leg. His brother Michael and a rescuer, Jacob Lefferts, both leaped in the water and tried to wrest Joseph from the shark's mouth. They were able to pull Joseph out and onto whose boat?
(a) Renny Cartan's.
(b) Burlew's.
(c) Fisher's.
(d) Captain Cottrell's.

14. The boys ran to Stanley Fisher, who was what?
(a) The best swimmer in town.
(b) The strongest man in town.
(c) The mayor of the town.
(d) The bravest man in town.

15. The ____________________ sensationalized the incident by describing in detail the gore of the attack.
(a) New York Post.
(b) New York Times.
(c) AM New York program.
(d) New Yorker.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the men do to attract the shark?

2. Fisher immediately closed his ____________ shop and ran to the creek.

3. Confused by the coastline, the shark swam into the mouth of what creek?

4. _______ Craven, walking along the bank of the creek, had just about given up on the shark when he saw something bobbing in the water. It was Lester.

5. The expert and some of his assistants had witnessed sharks first hand and had observed how difficult it was for them to do what?

(see the answer keys)

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