Chucaro: Wild Pony of the Pampa Test | Final Test - Easy

Francis Kalnay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chucaro: Wild Pony of the Pampa Test | Final Test - Easy

Francis Kalnay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What will Armando have to do according to the plan?
(a) Saddle Chúcaro.
(b) Beat Pedro out in a race.
(c) Lasso Chúcaro.
(d) Ride Chúcaro.

2. Why is Pedro about to cry?
(a) Because the mayordomo wants Juan to shoot Chúcaro.
(b) Because the mayordomo wants Juan to bring Chúcaro to the estanciero.
(c) Because the mayordomo wants Juan to take Chúcaro far away and release the horse.
(d) Because Juan will be gone several months.

3. What does the Vaquero report about Chúcaro?
(a) Chúcaro has escaped.
(b) The mayordomo has seen the horse.
(c) The patrón wants Chúcaro put down because the horse is dangerous.
(d) The mayordomo has taken Chúcaro.

4. What does Pedro do when he sees Armando pull something out of a bag?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Runs towards Chúcaro.
(c) Screams at Chúcaro to run.
(d) Knocks down Armando.

5. Who has three strips of cowhide fitted into a Y shape?
(a) A rearing preventer.
(b) A martinet.
(c) A bola.
(d) A double slingshot.

6. What has Juan brought with him?
(a) Nothing.
(b) His pictures.
(c) His door knob that he carved.
(d) Some horse figures he carved.

7. What does Mr. Pizetti note?
(a) The law will probably rule that the mayordomo has legal right to Chúcaro.
(b) The law may force Juan to give up Pedro.
(c) The law will probably rule for Pedro.
(d) The law may say that the mayordomo can fire Juan.

8. How does the crowd respond to Armando?
(a) They boo him.
(b) They are quiet.
(c) They laugh at him.
(d) They applaud him.

9. What are the gauchos doing with the bulls?
(a) Driving them into corrals.
(b) Weighing them.
(c) Branding them.
(d) Riding them.

10. What are the people sure about Armando?
(a) That he will be unable to lasso Chúcaro.
(b) That Pedro will beat him in a race.
(c) That Armando will not want a mean horse like Chúcaro.
(d) That Armando's father will not let his son take another boy's pony.

11. What is close to breaking?
(a) The bola.
(b) The food tables.
(c) The fence.
(d) The slingshot.

12. What does Armando hit?
(a) The mayordomo.
(b) His father.
(c) Chúcaro.
(d) An elderly woman.

13. How does Juan think the weather will change?
(a) He does not think it will change.
(b) It might rain.
(c) It might get unseasonably hot.
(d) It might clear up.

14. What does Juan want to avoid doing until after the match?
(a) Meeting Señor Muñez.
(b) Getting ready for the dance.
(c) Meeting Chúcaro.
(d) Meeting Pedro.

15. How long will it take for them to get there?
(a) 2-3 months.
(b) A week.
(c) 2-3 weeks.
(d) 6 months.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when Armando prepares to throw a second lasso?

2. What is the mayordomo's impression of Chúcaro?

3. With whom do Juan, Carlos and Pedro later share Maté?

4. Who wakes the person sleeping outside the mayordomo's office?

5. What have none of the people seen in their lifetime?

(see the answer keys)

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