China Men Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

China Men Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Hundred-Year-Old Man say he carried with him from China to Hawai'i?
(a) mementos from China, such a photos of his family
(b) pigs in cages and chives and onions growing in cans
(c) noodles, ginger, and dried fruit
(d) extra water to keep his plants alive

2. What happens in Hawaii that prevents the Hundred-Year-Old Man from going to town in 1893?
(a) The American Civil War
(b) The American revolution against Queen Lili'uokalani
(c) The Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor
(d) The Communist Revolution in China

3. The author of "The Li Sao" is
(a) Ch'u Yuan, China's earliest known poet
(b) Uncle Kau Goong
(c) Kingston, when she was a teenager
(d) The Goddess of the Hsiang River

4. Which act shows that the mandarins are confident that they will find gold?
(a) The mandarins agree to build roads and railroads for the Filipino king.
(b) The mandarins ask for more ships to carry all the gold.
(c) The Chinese workers have babies and start families here.
(d) The mandarins sail further and further inland.

5. What two goals does Father finally reach by the end of "The American Father"?
(a) His children go to private school and he owns his own house.
(b) He has the biggest garden in Stockton and he owns his own business.
(c) His clothes fit again and mother is finally happy.
(d) He owns his own house and his own business.

Short Answer Questions

1. What response does Kingston's oldest brother get from the Filipino and other island natives when he says he is a Chinese American?

2. What amount of pay is given to the Chinese workers in Hawaii for working in the cane fields?

3. What does the Hundred-Year-Old man do to rest during his trips to town early in his time in Hawaii?

4. Why is Kingston confused about the story of the gold needle in a mountain in the Philippines?

5. In what year is the birthday party for the 106-year-old man held in Hawaii?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Lo Bun Sun's constant work and preparation suggest about his character?

2. Explain why members of the freighter's crew try to send their shipmate to China and describe the Wild Man's response at the airport.

3. Compare the Alaskan Driving Out with the California Driving Out of China Men.

4. Describe the relationship between Lo Bun Sun and Sing Kay Ng.

5. How does the Wild Man end up in a Tampa Hospital for the insane? Tell what happens once he is there.

6. Describe the experience of the AJA's (Americans of Japanese Ancestry) during World War II, using only details from Kingston's retelling of her memories and the stories she heard as a child.

7. Create a dictionary using words from the chapter, "The Li Sao: An Elegy." Choose words that readers will need to have knowledge of in order to understand the story. Create a display using words that fit the theme of the folktale, such as phoenix, mourned, epic, elegy, lament, sorrow, estrangement, incorruptible, entwined, requiem, warmongers, etc.

8. At the end of the story about Kau and Great Aunt, Kingston writes that the Great Aunt's return to Red China is a clue that the country of their heritage is not as bad as the stories imply. What does this reveal to the reader about the narrator and her understanding of Communist China?

9. Explain the irony of the mandarins requesting more ships in the story the Filipino scholar tells in "On Listening."

10. Explain why the people that meet Li Sao realize too late that he is the last righteous human being. What do the people do to get Li Sao to return to Earth? What are the results of the people's attempts?

(see the answer keys)

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