China Men Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

China Men Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the second telling of the Driving Out in Alaska, what do returning China Men do to get back to their homes and their jobs?
(a) China Men bring back with them battalions of soldiers.
(b) China Men bargain with the Treadmill Mining Company.
(c) China Men fight hand-to-hand battle with the miners.
(d) China Men replace white workers who had gone on strike.

2. The author of "The Li Sao" is
(a) Uncle Kau Goong
(b) Kingston, when she was a teenager
(c) Ch'u Yuan, China's earliest known poet
(d) The Goddess of the Hsiang River

3. To what city does the Filipino king send the mandarins to begin their search for the golden needle?
(a) Cabit
(b) The City of Gold
(c) Bay of Manila
(d) Mexico City

4. What tradition does Mad Sao perform at his mother's graveside that the Kingston family does not do after Uncle Kau's funeral?
(a) makes a fire and jump over it
(b) carries a casket with the body in it
(c) tosses fake money around
(d) pours liquor into the groun

5. What effects do the comic books have on Kingston and her Chinese American family?
(a) Comic books reinforce the stereotype of the Chinese American or Oriental.
(b) Comic books gave Chinese Americans true and accurate information about the Vietnam War.
(c) The stories that were unfit for children must have been worse than guts hanging out.
(d) Comic books distract the children from the horrors of war by showing Chop Chop.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is brother, returning from Vietnam, greeted when he walks from the bus station to his parents' home in Stockton?

2. What does Ch'u Yuan decide to do once he accepts that he cannot return home?

3. What amount of pay is given to the Chinese workers in Hawaii for working in the cane fields?

4. What happens in Hawaii that prevents the Hundred-Year-Old Man from going to town in 1893?

5. Where do the mandarins seeking gold land their ship?

Short Essay Questions

1. Analyze Kingston's narrative about Uncle Kau Goong and his elderly wife. Explain why Great Aunt goes to Hong Kong and then back to China. Describe Uncle Kau's response to Great Aunt's pleas to be together again. Students might suggest the importance of Kau's final words on the subject: "We belong here (America)!"

2. Compare and contrast grandfather Ah Goong's experiences during the Driving Out with those that took place in Alaska according to Kingston's narrative.

3. What is the significance of Kingston's modern Auntie's marriage to I Fu?

4. Summarize Kingston's childhood account of seeing a "Wild Man" every day when she and her sister walked to school.

5. Describe the relationship between Lo Bun Sun and Sing Kay Ng.

6. How does Kingston give the reader information about the Communist Revolution and the later wars? Include details about her brother's experience in the Navy as a pacifist.

7. Compare the Alaskan Driving Out with the California Driving Out of China Men.

8. Explain the irony of the mandarins requesting more ships in the story the Filipino scholar tells in "On Listening."

9. Compare and contrast Uncle Bun's beliefs about the benefits of communism and his dreams of a Communist World and Father's political beliefs.

10. At the end of the story about Kau and Great Aunt, Kingston writes that the Great Aunt's return to Red China is a clue that the country of their heritage is not as bad as the stories imply. What does this reveal to the reader about the narrator and her understanding of Communist China?

(see the answer keys)

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