China Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

China Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the wife that great grandfather Bak Sook Goong takes back to China affect Kingston's heritage?
(a) The new wife's children start the line of Hawaiian-Chinese family members.
(b) The new wife refuses to blend with Bak Sook Goong's other wives, causing the first divorce in her family.
(c) The new wife has no affect on Kingston's heritage.
(d) The new wife insists on returning to Hawaii with the rest of the family, removing them from China for good.

2. What is the significance of the court case, Chae Chan Ping v. The United States?
(a) This case adds one year of hard labor for illegal Chinese immigrants before being deported.
(b) Congressmen call for the United States to be made up of a limited amount of elderly Chinese people.
(c) This is the first case of a Chinese fighting against the Chinese Exclusion Acts.
(d) This is the first case to address the issue of Sojourners.

3. What is an immortal?
(a) A human who lives forever, according to legend
(b) A person who hurts others without regret.
(c) A character in tales who dies at the end of the story.
(d) A magician who can stop time.

4. How does great grandfather Bak Goong break the rules of silence while working in Sandalwood Mountain?
(a) Bak Goong talks quietly to himself.
(b) Bak Goong coughs out Chinese words the masters cannot understand.
(c) Bak Goong sends written notes to other workers.
(d) Bak Goong deliberately sings in front of the masters.

5. What is the simile "like a knot of ginger root" referring to?
(a) the shape of Tang's ears
(b) Tang's arthritic hands
(c) the veins in Tang's broken feet
(d) Tang's broken and stacked toes

Short Answer Questions

1. Who are the children referring to when they call out, "BaBa!"?

2. In what year did the U.S. immigration laws discard the Western Hemisphere quota and move to a worldwide quota?

3. Which is an example from the text of sensory details?

4. What indicates to the young man in "The Ghostmate" that the woman is "old style"?

5. What is the last thing the women do to prepare Tang to meet the queen?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the purpose for making Tang Ao's capture so easy it could be done by women?

2. How do the Chinese workers organize a strike against the railroad company without the "white demons" finding out?

3. Tell what the Four Valuable Things are and explain their importance to the Chinese culture.

4. Describe the tenets of the philosophy of living multiple lives until you learn an important lesson.

5. Describe how Kingston feels about her father from China. Use details from the text to support your conclusions.

6. Compare and contrast the tales that Kingston makes up about how her father gets to America.

7. Provide examples from "The Ghostmate" of vivid imagery that reveals the man's mood as he heads back to his childhood home. Is the young man happy or sad?

8. Explain the cause for the children's confusion and its effects on the characters in "On Fathers."

9. Describe how the widow in "The Ghostmate" uses the young man's talents against him.

10. Describe the way the women pierce Tang Ao's ears and what they do to keep the holes open. Include examples of sensory details the author uses in the text.

(see the answer keys)

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