China Men Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

China Men Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through On Mortality Again.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the Chinaman's hat in "The Great Grandfather of the Sandalwood Mountains"?
(a) a hat to protect the Chinese workers
(b) the top of Sandalwood Mountain
(c) an island
(d) the place in town where Chinese workers gamble

2. How do Ed's partners swindle him out of the business?
(a) The partners spend all the profits dancing with women on Saturday nights.
(b) The partners tell him he missed the meeting where they put themselves in charge.
(c) The partners kidnap MaMa for ransom that Ed has to pay.
(d) The partners pocket cash from laundry orders as often as they can.

3. How does Father acknowledge that he recognizes the children?
(a) He salutes them with one finger touching his hat.
(b) He waves his hands and smiles broadly.
(c) He turned around and walked the other direction.
(d) He picks up the pace of his walk to a jog.

4. What purpose does the mother character serve by entering the story at this point?
(a) She becomes the focus of the children so that they stop focusing on the stranger.
(b) She introduces a conflict that the children have to solve.
(c) She provides an adult female presence to balance the male presence of the stranger.
(d) She moves the plot along and explains how the children could make such a mistake.

5. Tu cannot deliver his messages and take care of his urgent things after he exits the tunnel because _____________________________.
(a) When he ermerges from the tunnel, he is lost.
(b) The tunnel is a passage to his rebirth as an infant.
(c) No one will listen to Tu's messages or help him with urgent matters.
(d) Explosions inside the tunnel made Tu deaf and mute.

Short Answer Questions

1. What were the Chinese wives most likely afraid of when their husbands left for Gold Mountain?

2. Why does the young man enter the house of the young widow?

3. Where in the world is the Women's Land according to ancient scholars?

4. The seer does not disturb the spirits in the clouds in "On Mortality Again" __________________________.

5. What does Ah Po show BaBa's brothers to explain that he is different from them?

(see the answer key)

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