Changes: A Love Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Changes: A Love Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why are Esi and Opokuya still talking even though it's getting late?
(a) They are waiting to have dinner with their husbands together.
(b) They are waiting for Opokuya's daughter.
(c) Kubi has not yet arrived.
(d) They are waiting for a taxi.

2. With what does Opokuya say society has no patience?
(a) Women who want their own life even if they are married.
(b) Single women.
(c) Divorced men.
(d) Men who cheat.

3. What does Ali see as a gift from Allah?
(a) His wife and children.
(b) His career.
(c) The beautiful weather.
(d) Meeting Esi.

4. Where do Ali and Fusena teach after graduation?
(a) High school in Accra.
(b) College in Kumasi.
(c) Primary school in Accra.
(d) Primary school in Tamale.

5. At whom is Esi angry?
(a) Her daughter.
(b) Ali.
(c) Oko.
(d) Herself.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Musa Kondey?

2. Why is Ali going to be away from Fusena for a long time?

3. Where does Opokuya live?

4. What is there little of between Oko and Esi lately?

5. What does Ali Kondey ask Esi?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are each person's reasons for wanting the car this particular morning?

2. How does Fusena end up in England with Ali?

3. How does Oko feel about the end of his marriage a year or so later?

4. Why is Esi hesitant to tell Opokuya what Esi is going through?

5. What happens when Esi arrives at the offices of Linga Hideaways that dampens her anger?

6. What is Ali's attitude towards Esi before she is divorced?

7. What happens on the morning when Opokuya loses the use of the car and what happens this morning?

8. What does Opokuya realize as she is riding home with Kubi?

9. What does Esi say is the cause of the failure of her marriage?

10. What does Opokuya think Esi should have done differently in Esi's marriage; yet how does she acknowledge her advice is not fair?

(see the answer keys)

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