Changes: A Love Story Test | Final Test - Easy

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Changes: A Love Story Test | Final Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when Opokuya's two eldest children are left in charge of cooking for the holiday?
(a) They refuse to do much.
(b) It does not go well.
(c) They cook an incredible amount of delicious food.
(d) They constantly interrupt Opokuya with questions.

2. Who is not pleased when Ali visits the Dakwa's on January 2nd?
(a) Everyone is happy to see him.
(b) Ogyaanowa.
(c) The adults.
(d) The children.

3. What does Ali give Esi for a New Year's present?
(a) A car.
(b) A gift certificate.
(c) A promise to spend more time with her.
(d) A vacation to the United States.

4. What does Ali's father want Ali to do when meeting Esi's family?
(a) Show them his ancestry.
(b) Show them his net worth.
(c) Find out if they have a solid dowry to offer.
(d) Take a reliable person that Ali's father can then talk with.

5. What happens when Opokuya drives off with Esi's old car?
(a) Esi worries it will break down.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Esi runs out after her.
(d) Esi cries.

6. Why does Opokuya say Esi is brave?
(a) For trying an alternative lifestyle.
(b) For not running back to Oko.
(c) For divorcing in the first place.
(d) For defying her mother.

7. When do Ali and Esi go to her family's village?
(a) July.
(b) August.
(c) June.
(d) May.

8. Why does Ali feel guilty at the beginning of Chapter 15?
(a) For not spending New Year's Eve with Esi.
(b) For marrying Esi.
(c) For seducing Esi in the first place.
(d) For not letting Fusena divorce him.

9. What does Esi say her mother does not like about Esi and Ali's possible marriage?
(a) Esi being a second wife.
(b) Esi getting pregnant anymore since the first pregnancy almost kills her.
(c) Esi living in a different town from Ali.
(d) Esi keeping her job.

10. What does Esi ask Opokuya concerning Oko?
(a) If Oko is well.
(b) If Oko has remarried.
(c) If Oko seems to miss her.
(d) If Opokuya thinks Esi should have stayed married to Oko.

11. What does Ali do but is unable to keep up?
(a) Visit Esi more frequently.
(b) Calling Esi every night.
(c) Travel less often.
(d) Not take his secretary to her home.

12. What does Esi say her mother thinks concerning marrying Ali?
(a) He is wonderful and will be a good husband.
(b) Esi deserves better than sharing a man.
(c) He is hiding something and Esi will not learn until after marriage.
(d) He is out of Esi's social class and his family will not accept her.

13. What does Esi do after she drops Ali off at Hotel Twentieth Century?
(a) Drives to visit her mother.
(b) Goes to visit Opokuya.
(c) Goes to pick up Ogyaanowa.
(d) Drives out to the country.

14. What is the other think Esi's father asks Ali?
(a) Why he has brought an employee and not family to meet with Esi's family.
(b) If Ali plans to have more than two wives.
(c) If Ali can afford more than 2 wives.
(d) Why he thinks he needs two wives.

15. What does Esi propose she and Ali do as far as her family?
(a) Ignore their misgivings.
(b) Pretend Esi is not involved with Ali.
(c) Let them know about the marriage after the fact.
(d) Go visit them.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Ali feel the gift is inappropriate?

2. What does Ali ponder about New Year's Eve?

3. Where does Ali's family live?

4. What does Mma. Danjuma know when she sees Esi?

5. What does Esi tell Ali to do?

(see the answer keys)

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