Changes: A Love Story Test | Final Test - Easy

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Changes: A Love Story Test | Final Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Esi get really angry at Ali?
(a) After he says he is marrying his secretary.
(b) After he says he cannot visit her there anymore.
(c) Near the end of their third year of marriage.
(d) Near the end of their second year of marriage.

2. What does Esi notice in Ali's voice when she phones him?
(a) Love.
(b) Impatience and tiredness.
(c) Anger.
(d) Nothing.

3. Why does Fusena sometimes call Ali at Esi's house?
(a) To give him a message from his mother.
(b) If he is late getting home.
(c) To ask his advice about their son.
(d) To ask him to bring home groceries.

4. What does Esi say about monogamy?
(a) It is honorable.
(b) It is good if there are children.
(c) It is stifling.
(d) It is old fashioned.

5. When do Ali and Esi go to her family's village?
(a) August.
(b) June.
(c) July.
(d) May.

6. What does Musa Musa do after Ali mollifies him?
(a) Welcomes Esi into the family.
(b) Openly flirts with Esi.
(c) Gives him a wedding gift.
(d) Takes him to see his new goat herd.

7. To what do Ali's relatives agree?
(a) To stay out of Ali's life.
(b) Nothing since Ali has not talked to them.
(c) To talk Fusena into the marriage.
(d) To go to Esi's people.

8. Why does Esi feel rejected?
(a) Ogyaanowa is happy to leave with her father.
(b) Ali does not want her to come to the home he shares with Fusena.
(c) Opokuya suggests it's time for Esi to go home.
(d) Ali says he will not visit her for a while at her house.

9. What does Ali give Esi?
(a) A pair of diamond earrings.
(b) A diamond necklace.
(c) A gold watch.
(d) A gold ring.

10. What does Esi realize about her job?
(a) It has endless possibilities.
(b) She likes it.
(c) She hates it.
(d) It is a dead end.

11. Why does Opokuya say Esi is brave?
(a) For not running back to Oko.
(b) For defying her mother.
(c) For trying an alternative lifestyle.
(d) For divorcing in the first place.

12. About what does Opokuya wonder concerning Esi and Fusena?
(a) Whether they could become friends.
(b) If Esi would rebel against Fusena's demands as senior wife.
(c) If Esi would be willing to live in a household with another wife.
(d) If Fusena would continue to have all the children.

13. What happens when Opokuya drives off with Esi's old car?
(a) Esi worries it will break down.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Esi cries.
(d) Esi runs out after her.

14. To what does Fusena agree?
(a) All of Ali's relatives' suggestions.
(b) To divorce Ali.
(c) To at least meet Esi.
(d) To demand strong concessions from Ali.

15. What does Fusena realize when Ali's female relatives visit her?
(a) That they do not want Ali to marry again.
(b) That they are betraying her.
(c) That they want her to divorce Ali.
(d) That they have been unable to dissuade Ali from marriage to Esi.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ali's father want Ali to do when meeting Esi's family?

2. What is Opokuya thinking of doing before going to the hospital early the next morning?

3. Who calls Esi at the Dakwas?

4. Why is Esi upset about Oko's mother concerning Ogyaanowa?

5. What does Ali say when Fusena asks if Esi is Muslim?

(see the answer keys)

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