Changes: A Love Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Changes: A Love Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Esi think about marrying again?
(a) She would like to if the right man comes along.
(b) She would like to if for not other reason than for her daughter's sake.
(c) She doesn't really think about it yet.
(d) She does not want a man oppressing her all the time.

2. Why is Ohyaanowa unhappy?
(a) She was embarrassed at school that day.
(b) She and her girlfriend had a fight.
(c) She wants to go to the mall but is not allowed.
(d) She hears her parents fighting.

3. Where does Opokuya say she will meet Kubi at 5:30 p.m.?
(a) Her mother's house.
(b) Connie's house.
(c) The hospital.
(d) Hotel Twentieth Century.

4. How does Oko's mother act to Esi when Esi and Oko's marriage ends?
(a) Nasty.
(b) As if she knew it would happen.
(c) Saddened.
(d) Sympathetic.

5. Who do the two women think the best husband is?
(a) A mutual friend of theirs from high school.
(b) Their own, though they have faults.
(c) None.
(d) The one someone else is living with.

6. Where do Esi and Opokuya both live?
(a) Tema.
(b) Kumasi.
(c) They do not live in the same town.
(d) Accra.

7. What does Oko still blame himself for over a year after Esi leaves him?
(a) He blames himself for nothing.
(b) Not listening more to Esi.
(c) Wanting to control Esi too much.
(d) Staying in bed too long on the morning he rapes Esi.

8. Why is Ali going to be away from Fusena for a long time?
(a) He receives a scholarship in the United States.
(b) He receives a scholarship in England.
(c) He receives a scholarship in Germany.
(d) He receives a scholarship in France.

9. Who is Kubi?
(a) Opokuya's oldest son.
(b) The doctor who supervises Opokuya.
(c) Opokuya's husband.
(d) A baby Opokuya has just delivered.

10. To what does Fusena agree before Ali leaves Ghana?
(a) To marry him.
(b) To write him every week.
(c) To go with him.
(d) To wait for his return and not marry someone else.

11. What does Oko buy thinking it will be good for Esi and Ogyaanowa?
(a) A new car.
(b) A boat.
(c) A bungalow in the country.
(d) A large apartment in Accra.

12. For how long has Opokuya been a midwife?
(a) 15 years.
(b) 30 years.
(c) Several months.
(d) 2 years.

13. What is the understanding when Ogyaanowa goes to her grandmother's house?
(a) She will live there until Esi remarries.
(b) She can return home any time.
(c) She will return home when school reopens.
(d) She will live there until her father remarries.

14. What does Ali do when he hears of Esi's divorce?
(a) Divorces his wife.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Courts her.
(d) Writes Oko a sympathy letter.

15. What does Esi say to Opokuya that makes Opokuya wonder what's wrong with Esi?
(a) That Oko is on a business trip again.
(b) That Esi is goint to visit her mother, which she never does.
(c) That Esi is going to visit her grandmother, which she never does.
(d) That at least Opokuya finds life a little worthwhile.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Esi say her marriage fails?

2. What does Esi tell the man she is doing?

3. What does Fusena start feeling upset in her marriage?

4. Who is Connie?

5. Who does Opokuya think has to be a fool in a marriage?

(see the answer keys)

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