Changes: A Love Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Changes: A Love Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Ali earn a Master's degree?
(a) France.
(b) The United States.
(c) England.
(d) Scotland.

2. What does Fusena start feeling upset in her marriage?
(a) Her husband is getting more education than she.
(b) She has not managed to get pregnant.
(c) She wants to stay home with the kids but has to work.
(d) Her husband has married two more wifes.

3. What doesn't Esi worry about concerning Ali?
(a) His other wife.
(b) His comings and goings.
(c) That his job takes him places.
(d) Nothing.

4. What does Esi realize she has endured when she gets to her office?
(a) Too many years of silence from Oko.
(b) Marital rape.
(c) Several pregnancies.
(d) Sexism at work.

5. What does Fusena ask Allah after Ali tells her his plans?
(a) To smite Ali.
(b) What she is supposed to say or do.
(c) To make the second wife someone Fusena will like.
(d) To let Fusena die.

6. With what does Opokuya say society has no patience?
(a) Men who cheat.
(b) Divorced men.
(c) Single women.
(d) Women who want their own life even if they are married.

7. What does Esi confide to Opokuya?
(a) That she is pregnant.
(b) That she is changing jobs.
(c) That she is ill.
(d) That she has left Oko.

8. Where do Esi and Opokuya both live?
(a) They do not live in the same town.
(b) Kumasi.
(c) Tema.
(d) Accra.

9. What do Ali and Fusena insist upon before Ali leaves Ghana?
(a) That Ali find a second wife before he leaves Ghana.
(b) That Fusena join Ali within a couple months.
(c) That Fusena is pregnant.
(d) That Ali accept a dowry to keep the arrangement.

10. What was a major reason Oko was first attracted to Esi?
(a) Her looks.
(b) Her air of independence.
(c) Her good job.
(d) Her wit.

11. What does Oko think Esi has not lost?
(a) Her desire for perfection.
(b) Her combative spirit.
(c) Her schoolgirl looks or ways.
(d) Her love for Oko.

12. What does Esi refuse from Ali Kondey?
(a) Help typing.
(b) A ride home.
(c) Editorial help.
(d) An offer to dinner.

13. Where is Ogyaanowa staying until school starts?.
(a) With her best friend traveling in Europe.
(b) At her grandmother's house.
(c) At her aunt's house.
(d) With her father.

14. What does Esi's grandmother say about feeling grateful to a man?
(a) It creates imbalance in a marriage.
(b) It's enough of a reason to marry him.
(c) It creates a trap which is hard to escape.
(d) It degrades the woman.

15. Why does Opokuya want the car today?
(a) To shop for school clothes for the children.
(b) To visit her grandmother.
(c) To visit Kubi's sister.
(d) To go to a meeting in a nearby town.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many children does Opokuya have?

2. What visit did Opokuya make that is successful?

3. Why does Esi say her marriage fails?

4. What does Ali Kondey ask Esi?

5. What has Ali always trained himself not to do?

(see the answer keys)

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