Canyons Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Canyons Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Brennan tell his mother is the only way to get the kids to sleep?
(a) Make them run five miles with their packs.
(b) Drive a wooden stake through their hearts.
(c) Drug their hot chocolate.
(d) Hit them over the head.

2. What is Coyote Runs supposed to do when the party returns?
(a) Change the saddles to fresh horses.
(b) He doesn't have specific instructions.
(c) Follow behind them.
(d) Go in the opposite direction to draw off any pursuit.

3. What does Brennan like to talk about while working?
(a) He talks about his father.
(b) He just likes to stay quiet and think.
(c) He talks about school.
(d) He talks about his mother.

4. Where is a gun pressed against Coyote Runs?
(a) His head.
(b) His chest.
(c) His stomach.
(d) His back.

5. Why is Brennan having a difficult time sleeping?
(a) Something is pressing into his back.
(b) The kids are too noisy.
(c) His mother is talking too loud with Bill.
(d) The moon is too bright.

6. How did the Indians carry water for their horses?
(a) Clay pots.
(b) Cacti branches.
(c) Tin canteens.
(d) Leather water skins.

7. Where does Coyote Runs try to hide from the soldiers?
(a) In a cave.
(b) Behind a rock in the back of the canyon.
(c) In the river.
(d) Under some sage brush.

8. Why does Coyote Runs think the uniforms of the soldiers are silly?
(a) They are easy to see from a distance.
(b) They attract horse flies.
(c) Their uniforms are too hot.
(d) They are blue.

9. Why is Coyote Runs going to the answer to question #75?
(a) To hide his horse.
(b) To get shade from the sun.
(c) To reach his secret medicine place.
(d) To find some water.

10. Why does Coyote Runs fear for his life?
(a) He sees Magpie shot down.
(b) He knows the soldiers hate children.
(c) He watches the entire party be killed.
(d) He saw Sancta shot.

11. What is the name of the canyon where Bill says they are camping?
(a) Horse Canyon.
(b) Sandy Canyon.
(c) Tomb Rock Canyon.
(d) Dry Gulch Canyon.

12. Where did Brennan lose a man who was dating his mother when the man went running with him?
(a) Canyon de Blanco.
(b) The desert.
(c) Mount Franklin.
(d) Canyon de Diablo.

13. Where was the white school Coyote Runs had to attend?
(a) Alamogordo.
(b) El Paso.
(c) Fort Bliss.
(d) Tucson.

14. Why does Brennan work?
(a) To save money for college.
(b) To build up his muscles.
(c) So he can buy a car.
(d) To help pay for his clothes and other things.

15. What does Brennan do when he finds a skull?
(a) Throws it away.
(b) Studies it.
(c) Show it to Bill.
(d) Screams.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Coyote Runs call a match for lighting a fire?

2. How does the raiding party proceed home?

3. Why does Brennan put his sleeping bag under a large boulder?

4. What is Coyote Runs doing with the warriors in question #9?

5. What does Brennan think about how his mother talks?

(see the answer keys)

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