Brighton Beach Memoirs Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brighton Beach Memoirs Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act II.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The men that Stanley gambled with are described in Act II as wearing “black pointy shoes with” what “on their socks”?
(a) Daggers
(b) Clocks
(c) Dice
(d) Cards

2. Eugene says of his mother in Act II, “If I told her I just lost both my hands in an accident she’d say” what?
(a) I don’t care what’s hurt. Just get ready for dinner
(b) Go get some new ones at the store
(c) Go upstairs and wash your face with your feet
(d) You’re always losing something

3. Eugene tells Stanley in Act II that their father threw the newspaper at him for what reason?
(a) He didn’t bring the morning edition
(b) He brought the New York Times instead of the New York Post
(c) He didn’t bring the evening edition
(d) He brought the New York Post instead of the New York Times

4. How long has the doctor told Jack Jerome to stay home and rest in the beginning of Act II?
(a) Two or three weeks
(b) Six months
(c) Two or three months
(d) Two or three days

5. What is Kate’s response when Blanche tells her in Act I, “I’m going to pay you and Jack back someday. I don’t know when, but I keep my word”?
(a) I know you will, Blanche
(b) I need the money now
(c) From your lips to the Irish Sweepstakes
(d) I’m not worried about you paying us back

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kate offer to cook for Blanche after they’ve made up at the end of Act II?

2. Kate describes the Murphy family across the street as belonging to what group in Act I?

3. What role did actor Peter Michael Goetz play in the original cast of Brighton Beach Memoirs?

4. The letter that Blanche receives in Act II says that despite all of Frank’s faults, what “have never been his failings”?

5. Of the letter that Blanche receives in Act II, Eugene says, “It was a sad letter, all right, but it sure was well written. Maybe I should have been born” where?

(see the answer key)

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