Bright Lights, Big City Quiz | One Week Quiz A

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Bright Lights, Big City Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter Nine, Linguine and Sympathy.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do the narrator and Vicky miss their connection with Tad?
(a) Vicky's purse is stolen and they must file a police report.
(b) The narrator grows bored with Vicky and pursues his own good time.
(c) Tad is ill and must go to the hospital.
(d) The narrator knows Tad had no intention of meeting them anyway.

2. Why has Tad insisted on making up stories about Amanda and the narrator's separation?
(a) He is hoping he will meet the love of his love through the narrator's tragedy.
(b) He honestly thinks Amanda was an activist in South America.
(c) He is completely clueless about how their relationship ended.
(d) He is trying to help the narrator get more girls.

3. How does the narrator clean out his desk?
(a) He enlists the help of a moving company.
(b) He dumps everything into wastebaskets.
(c) He and Megan separate everything into piles.
(d) He takes everything into Clara's office and dumps it.

4. Of what do Elaine's dance moves remind the narrator?
(a) Neighborhood ho-downs of the south.
(b) Figures on Egyptian tombs.
(c) Broadway chorus girls.
(d) Graceful princessess.

5. What mood is the narrator in as he goes to bed after the date?
(a) He is indifferent, dreading the confrontation with Tillinghast.
(b) He is miserable, like always.
(c) For the first time in a while he is happy.
(d) He is confused and angry about his feelings for Vicky.

Short Answer Questions

1. What career has the narrator always wanted?

2. What does the narrator give to Megan?

3. Who has the narrator been set up with for the evening?

4. To what does the narrator compare Vicky's childhood?

5. When Elaine leaves for the restroom, what does the narrator suspect?

(see the answer key)

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