Brave New World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brave New World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is not a treatment suggested to Lenina to overcome her growing saddness?
(a) Soma
(b) Pregnancy substitute
(c) Violent passion surrogate treatment
(d) Having John

2. Which of the following best describes how Mustapha Mond responds to John's request for the inconveniences of life?
(a) He is welcome to them
(b) He cannot have them
(c) He cannot be miserable
(d) He must go live with Helmholtz

3. The controller and John debate over whether or not the belief in God is what?
(a) Motivating
(b) Extrinsic
(c) Intrinsic
(d) Necessary

4. What does John do with the pillboxes filled with soma?
(a) Throws them out of the window
(b) Takes the pills himself to overcome his grief
(c) Throws them into the crowd
(d) Steals them for himself

5. Which of the following is not a descriptor the controller would use to describe the world now?
(a) Stable
(b) Happy
(c) Passionate
(d) Well Off

6. Who does the director have with him to meet with Bernard?
(a) Helmholtz
(b) Henry Foster
(c) Mustapha Mond
(d) Lenina

7. Which of the following characters do the police not take away after the riot at the soma distribution line?
(a) Linda
(b) Bernard
(c) Helmholtz
(d) John

8. How do the workers react to all of the events with Linda, John and the director?
(a) They cheer
(b) They throw stones
(c) They laugh
(d) They yell

9. Which character has the closest bond with John in this chapter?
(a) Lenina
(b) Helmholtz
(c) Bernard
(d) Linda

10. What does John say poisoned him?
(a) Mustard
(b) Wickedness
(c) Water
(d) Civilization

11. What happens to the director at the end of this chapter?
(a) He yells at Bernard
(b) He rushes out of the room
(c) He attacks Bernard
(d) He denies everything

12. Who is able to, surprisingly, quote from Shakespeare?
(a) Helmholtz
(b) John
(c) Bernard
(d) Mustapha Mond

13. How does the nurse distract the twins while John is by his dead mother's bed?
(a) With flowers
(b) With a game
(c) With chocolate eclairs
(d) With a book

14. Who does Bernard blame for snubbing him?
(a) Arch-Community-Songster
(b) John
(c) Helmholtz
(d) Lenina

15. Which word describes how the controller felt at Bernard's suggestions about social order?
(a) Intrigued
(b) Reinforced
(c) Outraged
(d) Suspect

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following has not been described by the controller as something that has paid a high price for happiness?

2. Which of the following words is an accurate description of how John responds when Lenina strops off her clothes?

3. Who does Henry Foster tell that the DHC had been on the verge of transferring Bernard to Iceland?

4. What do the people who come to stare at John chant they want to see?

5. What right does the controller say that John is claiming?

(see the answer keys)

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