Brave New World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brave New World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Our Ford represents who?
(a) Herbert Ford
(b) Albus Ford
(c) Adolf Ford
(d) Henry Ford

2. Where did Linda work when she was in the civilization?
(a) Infants room
(b) Fertilizing room
(c) Embryo room
(d) Director's office

3. Which of the following is an average range of embryos which develop from one egg?
(a) 8-96
(b) 0-50
(c) 100-200
(d) 50-120

4. Why has the doctor suggested a pregnancy substitute for Fanny?
(a) She is of the appropriate age
(b) She has been feeling out of sorts lately
(c) She wants a child of her own
(d) She is past the age of needing to complete one

5. Hypnopaedia refers to which principle?
(a) Social education
(b) Moral education
(c) Operant conditioning
(d) Sleep teaching

6. What did the first reformers offer to deliver them from?
(a) Emotions
(b) Conservation
(c) Pain
(d) Debt

7. What do Lenina and Henry do after dinner?
(a) Play games
(b) Dance
(c) Read
(d) Read

8. How does Lenina feel about the savage reservation?
(a) Doesn't like it
(b) Wants to move to it
(c) Is excited by visiting it
(d) Likes it

9. Whose idea was it to take John back to the 'other place'?
(a) Bernard
(b) Lenina
(c) Linda
(d) John

10. In what way does Henry say that everyone is equal?
(a) Emotionally
(b) Socially
(c) Physico-chemically
(d) Physically

11. How does Bernard feel at the end of chapter five?
(a) Calm
(b) Emptier than ever
(c) Rapturous
(d) Peace of consummation

12. What does the quiet voices under every pillow encourage the children in the Elementary Class Consciousness exhort the children to be happy with?
(a) The colors of the various castes
(b) Praise of the model T
(c) The greatest moralizing and socializing force of all time
(d) The role they have been given

13. What indicates the change of shifts?
(a) 2000 voices calling and some electric clocks
(b) 2000 electric clocks and voices calling
(c) 4000 electric clocks and voices calling
(d) 4000 voices calling and some electric clocks

14. Which type of education does the Director indicate should never be rational?
(a) Moral education
(b) Conditioning education
(c) Hypnopaedia education
(d) Social education

15. What does Bernard do during the night?
(a) Leaves in the helicopter
(b) Formulates his plan
(c) Sleeps
(d) Zones out on soma

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following did Lenina propose that she and Bernard complete on their first date?

2. What is body mass been conditioned to represent?

3. What does Bokanovsky's process create?

4. Which of the following groups of people are not divided into about seventy-two identical embryos?

5. Which of the following is considered a threat to the State?

(see the answer keys)

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