Born a Crime Test | Final Test - Easy

Trevor Noah
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Born a Crime Test | Final Test - Easy

Trevor Noah
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the author find inappropriate about the relationship advice Patricia gave him when he was a child?
(a) He thought Patricia's advice was heteronormative.
(b) He thought Patricia's advice was naive.
(c) He thought that Patricia's advice was suited to adult relationships rather than children's relationships.
(d) He thought Patricia's advice was too religious.

2. What did the police officer want when he arrested the author and his friends at the end of the story "The Cheese Boys"?
(a) He wanted to see justice served.
(b) He wanted a bribe.
(c) He wanted some cheese.
(d) He wanted a mix CD.

3. What is the single official language of South Africa?
(a) Zulu.
(b) South Africa has no official language.
(c) Afrikaans.
(d) There are 11 official languages in South Africa.

4. How did Abel respond when the author told him what happened under the mulberry tree?
(a) He hunted down the boys who beat the author and he beat up their ring leader.
(b) He told the author to go defend himself.
(c) He laughed at the author.
(d) He bought the author a new toy to cheer him up.

5. How did the author feel about his friend Zaheera?
(a) He was using her to get closer to her friend, Johanna.
(b) He thought she was annoying.
(c) He had a massive crush on her.
(d) He was using her to get closer to her friend, Gary.

6. Why did Patricia make the author push her car?
(a) She was punishing the author.
(b) The car was broken.
(c) She wanted to maximize fuel.
(d) She wanted to help the author become strong.

7. What advice did Patricia give the author about prioritizing between his wife and mother?
(a) Patricia said that men should be the tie-breaker in arguments between their wives and mothers.
(b) Patricia said that men should not respect women at all.
(c) Patricia said that a man's mother should always come first.
(d) Patricia said that a man's wife should always come first.

8. Why was the author able to help Andrew and Bolo increase profits in their CD burning business?
(a) The author was not afraid to ask black people for money.
(b) The author could attract an audience with his skillful dance moves.
(c) The author brought them a fancy CD burner.
(d) The author was the only one who knew anything about music.

9. How did the author first respond in his trial when he thought the judge asked him how he was?
(a) He mockingly repeated the question.
(b) He said he was doing great.
(c) He said he was feeling relaxed.
(d) He said he was not fine.

10. To what does the author compare Patricia when he describes her skill for maximizing petrol?
(a) A miser.
(b) A madwoman.
(c) A manual laborer.
(d) The sophisticates stop-start system used in hybrid cars.

11. When did the author decide to reveal his crush on Zaheera?
(a) While Zaheera was driving to the airport.
(b) During a telephone call.
(c) At the matric dance.
(d) Over the winter holiday.

12. How did the author behave when he realized he had a crush during grade 9?
(a) He asked his mother for advice.
(b) He disavowed all forms of lust and went into monastic seclusion.
(c) He asked his crush out right away.
(d) He kept it secret.

13. What happened before the author could ask Zaheera out?
(a) The author was sentenced to work in the salt mines.
(b) She moved to America.
(c) She was captured by Zulu extremists.
(d) She married her boyfriend, Gary.

14. How did the author feel about pushing his mother's car?
(a) He thought it would help him build character.
(b) He thought his feats of strength would impress his peers.
(c) He thought it was humiliating.
(d) He thought it was funny.

15. Why did the author have trouble fitting in with his colored classmates at Sandingham?
(a) They all lived far away.
(b) They would bully him for being too black.
(c) They spent all their free time doing expensive things.
(d) They would bully him for being too white.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did the author make money when he first graduated from high school?

2. According to the author, what racial group was notorious for having the most dangerous gangsters in South Africa?

3. Why did students come out of the dance to look at Babiki?

4. What does the author suspect of his friend from Alexandra who lost his retail job?

5. What did the author have in common with his friend, Teddy?

(see the answer keys)

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