Born a Crime Test | Final Test - Easy

Trevor Noah
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Born a Crime Test | Final Test - Easy

Trevor Noah
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the author describe his dating life when he was in grade 9 at Sandingham?
(a) He had a new girlfriend or boyfriend every week.
(b) He was so skilled at seduction that other people came to him for advice.
(c) He was seen as an attractive but dangerous bad boy.
(d) He was not considered popular or attractive.

2. For what crime was the author arrested?
(a) Making an illegal U-turn.
(b) Speeding.
(c) Murder.
(d) Driving a car without registration.

3. What did the police ask the author when he was called in for questioning regarding the stolen chocolate?
(a) They asked if he knew where Teddy had gone.
(b) They asked why he and Teddy stole the chocolates.
(c) They asked him to submit to a blood-alcohol test.
(d) They asked whether he knew if Teddy had any white friends.

4. According to the author, what racial group was notorious for having the most dangerous gangsters in South Africa?
(a) Colored people.
(b) Indian people.
(c) White people.
(d) Black people.

5. How did poverty make it harder for the author to dress attractively during grade 9?
(a) At the time, you needed to pay for a special license to wear nice clothes in South Africa.
(b) He had plenty of money but he did not want to make his poorer classmates jealous so he wore cheap clothes to make them feel better.
(c) His mother bought him extra-baggy clothing so he would not outgrow it too quickly.
(d) The school had special, unsightly uniforms for children who could not afford their own.

6. What did the author find inappropriate about the relationship advice Patricia gave him when he was a child?
(a) He thought Patricia's advice was naive.
(b) He thought Patricia's advice was heteronormative.
(c) He thought Patricia's advice was too religious.
(d) He thought that Patricia's advice was suited to adult relationships rather than children's relationships.

7. What was the racial composition of Highlands North?
(a) Highlands North was almost entirely Indian.
(b) Highlands North was cosmopolitan, with no single majority race.
(c) Highlands North was almost entirely black.
(d) Highlands North was almost entirely white.

8. What did the author assume about the teacher who yelled at his dance crew for chanting on Hitler's behalf?
(a) He assumed that she was trying to be heard over the music.
(b) He assumed that she was a fan of Hitler's chief rival in the hip hop community.
(c) He assumed that she was offended by Hitler's highly sexual grooves.
(d) He assumed that she was offended by Hitler's notorious pogroms.

9. What crime did the author and Teddy get caught committing?
(a) Assaulting a stranger.
(b) Robbing an elderly person at gunpoint.
(c) Stealing chocolates from a store.
(d) Doing drugs.

10. Who were the author's number one customers?
(a) White guys.
(b) Fat guys.
(c) Foolish guys.
(d) Slow guys.

11. What gift did Andrew give to the author as a reward for his help?
(a) 500 rand.
(b) A BMW.
(c) A fancy black coat.
(d) A CD burner.

12. Why did the author have trouble making friends in Highlands North?
(a) The kids there only played inside.
(b) Everyone there, except for the author, spoke Zulu.
(c) He got bad laryngitis after they moved, so he could not hold a conversation.
(d) Kids at Highlands North were obsessed with Pokemon, but the author could not afford a Gameboy.

13. What kind of persona did the author project while he was in jail?
(a) He tried to make people laugh.
(b) He tried to be as kind as possible.
(c) He acted like a tough guy.
(d) He tried to convince people that he was a super-genius.

14. What did the author and Mayelene have in common?
(a) They both had a mix of white and black ancestry.
(b) They lived in the same house together.
(c) They both had crushes on a white boy named Lorenzo.
(d) They both hated the entire idea of Valentine's Day.

15. To whom does the author refer when he talks about "domestics" in the story "Colorblind"?
(a) White suburbanites who only drink domestic beer.
(b) Anyone who is not a member of a militia.
(c) Domestic servants and their families.
(d) White suburbanite housewives.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happened after the author asked Maylene out during their walk home together?

2. Why did the author have trouble fitting in with his black classmates at Sandingham?

3. Why were the homes in Highlands North surrounded by six-foot-tall electrified walls?

4. How did the author feel about his friend Zaheera?

5. How did the author feel when he saw what Abel did to the ringleader from the incident under the mulberry tree?

(see the answer keys)

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