Blood Work Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blood Work Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 34 - 37.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Terry think is a good suspect for being the killer?
(a) Michael Bolotov.
(b) Marvin Bankal.
(c) Moore Banishev.
(d) Mikail Bolotov.

2. What did Terry forget about while working on the case today?
(a) To make dinner for his mother who is coming over later.
(b) he said he would go to Buddy's baseball game.
(c) That he was hosting dinner for Graciela and Raymond.
(d) He promised to help Jaye with some evidence.

3. Why is Jaye at Terry's house boat when they return to the marina?
(a) Jaye confesses she does not think Terry is the killer.
(b) She hopes to scare him into turning himself in.
(c) She wants to yell at Terry for misleading her.
(d) Jaye wants to arrest Terry herself.

4. Who was the Code Killer?
(a) A killer that could break security codes.
(b) A killer who would leave a code behind at each crime.
(c) A copycat killer.
(d) A killer who was caught by Terry and Jaye.

5. What did Noone give to the people investigating the shooting?
(a) Description of the vehicle that the murderer was driving.
(b) A facial description of the killer.
(c) The name of the murder.
(d) No helpful information.

Short Answer Questions

1. What surprises Terry about Graciela's actions the next morning?

2. What did the FBI find on Terry's boat?

3. What must Terry figure out concerning Donald Kenyon?

4. After Buddy picks Terry up, where do the two men go?

5. Why do they go back to this location?

(see the answer key)

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