Black House: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black House: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Chipper tell Burny the letter says that he received?
(a) The money for Burny's upkeep has been canceled.
(b) Burny's aunt has died.
(c) A woman has arrived claiming Burny as her father.
(d) A small fortune belonging to Burny has surfaced.

2. What does Jack tell Potter when Brown shows up to take Potter?
(a) Their food is better.
(b) They can get you some medicine.
(c) They won't keep you long.
(d) You'll be safer with them.

3. What does Mouse tell them to do after they are done in the Black House?
(a) Plant the white flowers there.
(b) Bury Mouse's body there.
(c) Burn it to the ground.
(d) Kill everything in the house.

4. What does Mouse do when he is lucid for a moment?
(a) Draws a map back to Black House.
(b) Tells Jack a story about Gorg and the Crimson King.
(c) Draws a map of the Tower.
(d) Draws a picture of Mr. Munshun.

5. What does Henry realize is part of the reason that the Fisherman has come to kill him?
(a) To mess with Jack's emotions.
(b) To get revenge.
(c) To torment Dale.
(d) To confuse the police.

6. What shocks Burny while he is washing up in Chapter twenty-five?
(a) That his hair is uncombed.
(b) His reflection in the mirror.
(c) The amount of blood on his trousers.
(d) The depth of the wound that Henry gave him.

7. What does the boy say when Jack tells him about Mr. Kinderling confessing to the murders of the two hookers in LA?
(a) Lots of ways to make a person confess.
(b) Says you.
(c) I don't care.
(d) Confessions don't mean much.

8. What does Potter tell Jack he has?
(a) A brain tumor.
(b) Cancer.
(c) The doctors aren't sure what it is.
(d) Alzheimer's.

9. Why does Tansy say that she doesn't want to go to Night's Plutonian shore?
(a) Everything's on fire there.
(b) There are monsters there.
(c) People are killed there.
(d) The Crimson King is a bad man.

10. What does Jack tell Dale that he needs after dispersing the mob?
(a) The photos taken from Potter's room.
(b) A look at Potter's room.
(c) A talk with the man that found the photos in Potter's room.
(d) Twenty minutes with Potter.

11. What does Jack shoot when they reach the entrance to the Black House?
(a) A shadowy figure.
(b) The dog.
(c) A monster.
(d) Gorg.

12. Who is the official greeter at the door when Jack opens the door of the Black House?
(a) Daisy Temperly.
(b) Amy.
(c) Nancy.
(d) Mouse.

13. What does Beezer tell Jack when he arrives at Nailhouse Row in Chapter twenty-two?
(a) Sonny killed himself.
(b) Bear Girl and the other old women left.
(c) Doc and Sonny are gone.
(d) Kaiser Bill and Sonny got scared and ran off.

14. What does Tyler say is probably in the bag he is trying to reach?
(a) Staples for Burny's new stomach surgery.
(b) Tums for the indegestion that eating people gives Burny.
(c) A 'How To Cook Children' book.
(d) Fingers and toes for a mdinight snack.

15. What does Fred tell Jack started Judy acting insane at the mental hospital?
(a) She had a terrible dream in which Tyler was crying for help.
(b) She got a letter with a piece of Tyler's finger in it.
(c) She read the morning paper about Potter.
(d) She recieved a tape from the Fisehrman with Tyler's voice on it.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mouse say it is that helped him see the house?

2. What does Chipper tell Burny when he enters his office?

3. Why does Sonny tell the others to go get Beezer?

4. What does Tyler realize when Burny makes him look more closely at the white stones on Conjure Road?

5. Why does Burny say there is a change of plans in the end of Chapter twenty-six?

(see the answer keys)

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